
Perhaps this is just the IT support guy in me, but I would be really concerned about the likelihood that one of these would fail. Some desperate mom trying to do the right thing puts her newborn in, but there's some minor bug that prevents the 911 call from going off, and the kid dies.

I'm all for it. Should we exchange emails or something and try to figure out how to get the ball rolling at the legislature? (I'm not much good at Kinja — is there any kind of direct messaging support?) I'm certain the votes are there (on both sides) to make this pass, so our enemy is not ideology, but simply

I'm Minnesotan, pro-life, and think this is a great idea. My state rep is Paymar, and my state senator is Cohen. Who are yours? If we contact a number of different legislators simultaneously, it might get some momentum going.

I don't understand why we aren't talking about Stewart's district. If I understand correctly, he lives in Red Bank, NJ. Red Bank voted 2:1 for Barack Obama both times. His state senator is a second-term liberal Republican (pro-choice, pro-gay marriage, anti-gun) who could (it would appear) be easily defeated by

Stubbornly ignoring the stats does not make them false.

You basically posted what I was planning to post, except for one thing: "perfect use" stats are based on <i>all</i> women, not just women with perfect (or even in the vicinity of perfect) cycles.

Good point. Under Wisconsin Law (948.02, for anyone who wants to check out their legislature's very nice statutes website), both the mashing and the filming are felonies — regardless of the age of the felons, or their mutual consent!

According to the contemporary LifeNews reports, Rep. Ryan was kicked out of Democrats For Life not for sponsoring birth control bills (which DFLA takes no position on), but for insisting that significant federal funding go to Planned Parenthood as part of those initiatives. Your basic pro-lifer sees funding for PP as

Galactica was a Mormon parable.

The story is being somewhat mis-reported in the United States. She was jailed for murder, not miscarriage. She *claimed* it was only a miscarriage, but, at trial, her claim was rejected and it was concluded that the termination of pregnancy was deliberate. English-language outlets, by contrast, appear to be

Catholic papist here. Here's the relevant bit of the Catechism:

Catholic papist here. Here's the relevant bit of the Catechism:

Why would Santorum care about urban and upper-income votes to begin with? There's not a chance in hell he could win the East Coast (or Jezebel readers) to begin with, so he'd be much better off targeting lower- and middle-income rust belters with a message of conservative-flavored economic populism. Those are the

I think Netflix genuinely cares about our well-being; it's only our own guilt that makes us want to read shade into their inquiries. I cry judicial activism on your ruling!

Which itself is still better than Elan Sleazebaggano.

Very good apology. Kudos.

The Malleus Maleficarum — as even a quick glance at friggin' Wikipedia will tell you — was written by a priest who had already been expelled from a diocese for illegal witch-hunting. It was immediately condemned by local theology faculty, and, within a few years, by the Inquisition itself. If the Roman Catholic

If Jezebel cares to pay me for a column, I'll spend the three hours necessary to hunt down and cite those sources.

In some sense, isn't everything a process? Nothing happens instantaneously! It seems there's always a moment, sometimes a tiny one, where something is in transition. Certainly that's true in the fertilization process.