
Just 5? I don't know about other faiths, but the Catholic religion holds that there are 55 to 56 days every year where you must attend Mass, on pain of mortal sin.

Isn't Gov. Brewer term-limited? Pretty explicitly, as I recall?

Fortunately, Comcast has farbed up my account details so severely since I moved that I can't even get into my account with my password.

You replace me with straw man and I'm the one being disingenuous? No - if my logic were true, nations that prosecute tax evasion would have less tax evasion than nations that don't. (Not none — you will never, ever, ever get none — but you will get less.) And this is broadly true; comparing the IRS to the Greek

And people choose to rape less when they have a greater fear of punishment. No human choice is fully determined by incentives, but every human choice is affected by incentives.

Making rape easier to prosecute reduces rape. True of all crimes.

That's strange. Catholic teaching and the USCCB guidelines both allow for the removal of a dead baby, including via D&C. The Catholic definition of "abortion" is "killing of an unborn child," so if it's already dead, there should have been no problem getting it out.

Republicans passed a bill on October 2nd that would have funded these cancer treatments — H.J. 73. Senate Democrats have refused to take it up.

I don't understand what you're getting at. Could you explain?

THANK YOU! It is always frustrating to see Jezebel (justifiably) criticizing conservative ignorance and misrepresentation of science for political ends only to see Jezebel itself wildly overstate the science for its own political ends.

Given the court's unanimous ruling in Hosanna-Tabor, it is not only likely that Hobby Lobby will win the case; it is also relatively easy to imagine Hobby Lobby winning a unanimous decision from the court. The way this case has been presented to Jezebel readers has not been reflective of the history, the arguments,

You have solved this debate only if you ignore religious teachings on differing degrees of participation in what they consider evil.

Not sure these questions are sincere or rhetorical, but I'll take them as sincere and answer with what this bill would mean, legally. They are not terribly hard questions, once you know the case law, but I understand that not everybody is clear on the case law: