Deadspin Forever
Deadspin Forever
Sure it is, read Bernie Sanders’ good tweet. #Deadspinforever
I know this comment isn’t related to any of the headlines in the post but I am truly sad that Deadspin is over.
I absolutely would contribute (depending on where I am in my monthly budget) as well. No matter where the writers go, and I, probably unrealistically, hope it’s together, I’ll follow.
I’ve posted this elsewhere in the Kinja comments and I feel like I’m spamming, AND it feels like a long shot that is far too long but…
A propos of nothing, if any writers on this site decide that they want to go freelance and write their own blog away from corporate overlords, I will contribute to a Patreon to help them do so.
Love Clover, Love Jezebel. Long Live Deadspin.
This is bringing me back to that week where Deadspin and Jez switched writers and I’m here for it.
I tried to watch the game last night, but could not find a website to tell me what time it started. So I was unable to watch.
Yo, congrats to you and the rest of your crew for standing up for what you believe in.
Thank you for this, I have spent all morning looking for a website to tell me who won last night’s game.
Holy shit I love all of you.
I guess it’s technically possible, but I do not believe it for one second. Especially after what just happened to Deadspin after they’d done it to Splinter.
Are comments being blocked here as well as Gizmodo? Because fuck Jim Spanfeller and fuck all the corporate toadies that are running good things into the ground out of an obsessive need to prove their dicks are bigger than everyone else.
If you win the lottery tomorrow please give me the money. I want to create a website that has sports related stories, lists that rank various things and tells you why your team sucks.
Honestly, this blog post has far too much sports-adjacent content, IMO. Needs less sports.
You guys are awesome. It is not hyperbole to say that this site often gets me through the day. Keep up the good work, and for the love of god do not stick to sports.
goddamned well said
Hey, let’s talk about how G/O media are such gutless scum that they took down all of the posts across the kinjaverse about how awful the autoplaying videos are and how to contact the ownership about it.
And despite your corporate overlords telling you to stick to sports, I hope Deadspin never does because
and I can’t emphasize this enough