Tom is no millennial.
Tom is no millennial.
The 5'10 guy is a joke. I’m roughly 6'6 and I never bring it up. I used it as an attribute on dating sites (back when I did that) but that is about it. I get embarrassed when people point it out. “You’re so tall!” Yeah?! I’d never noticed.
Perhaps one day you two could venture to Food On Nostrand. I would like that. There is more food on Nostrand, anyway. Better food? No. But more.
My fiancé has absolute horror stories from her dating days. After we’d been together for a few months and things had become “exclusive” she said “I just realized you’ve never sent me a dick pic! Thanks!” I was floored. “What?! Duh. Is that normal?!” Then she told me the stories. I don’t know what is wrong with dudes.
Albert, thank you. I thought I was the only person left in this world who felt like this. You have made me feel a bit better about the world today. And myself. I'm not crazy for thinking dick pics are disgusting and ridiculous. Also, fuck these guys. How do they get laid?!
There were actually death threats and ridiculously abhorrent behavior displayed by Sanders supporters. A person is getting threats every single second. And you are comparing that to a kinja conversation?! Unreal.
New Mexico is obsessed with their flag. Absolutely obsessed. I've never seen anything like it. It is like an actual part of many residents identity. Pretty nuts.
I'm a bartender in Brooklyn and have made this drink a few times over the past few years. Like 4 times. That's less than once per quarter. It's usually early twenties girls or people's visiting mothers/aunts.
Gerry Durrell helped pave the way for the “new” zoo in the 1950s. Look him up. He’s pretty awesome.
Um, let us not forget the Jack Daniels Smoking Lounge!
They’ve been bean to bar since 2008 so I’m not sure really why people are so angry. I mean, the bros are assholes, but they run a massive bean to bar factory(s) now. This all seems to silly
They are actually pretty sweet. Especially at that size. They don't have any predators so they just kind of do their own thing. They make good pets!
I'd wear flannel on a deep sea fishing trip. Wool would be better. But still. Flannel goes with pretty much all fishing activities.
Deadspin writers are known to call players thugs....yup. Calm down.
I feel like Barr Hill is the best gin out right now. It is fantastic! Also, Tamworth has a really nice apiary gin.
Back a few years ago I had spent most of the spring in Central America on several coffee buying trips. I had a pretty great time but the food was pretty subpar. We are lots of “farmer provided meals” way up in the mountains in villages that had no electricity or running water. Other meals were plain Central American…
The videos you post rarely work on mobile (iPhone). Just a heads up.
Not really. They are from the Boston DIY scene. Came up on a DIY label and worked their asses off to get where they are today. Very organic. You may not love their sound but they are the opposite of corporate. Their rise is pretty inspirational, actually. Check it out.