
I thought Tricounty had an elder beerman and Lazarus too? Wait, Lazarus became Macys right? The sad part is Tricounty was a fancy mall compared to Towne Mall in Middletown. 

Is anybody actually letting their kid put the toothpaste on? Mine get a schmear of toothpaste and I love the oralb electric because it does more brushing than they would, then we help them make sure everything got brushed. We also use the Disney brushing app, the picture is revealed over the course of two minutes and

yep, we can put clothes in the blue bin down here by Long Beach. So anything super stained or unfixable goes there. If it’s nice, I sell it in a consignment shop. If it’s cheap but in good condition, I sell by the grab bag on Facebook marketplace or another mom group. (That’s for the kid clothes). Adult clothes end up

Not super fancy sneakers, but I got a pair of Brooks Adrenalins and custom insoles from the running store. Amazing.

hey, mine was free! (well, except for my monthly medical insurance costs)

Came in third too. But at least the guy that beat me went to the Tournament of Champions. He won every game on our tape day.

Are you in the Jeopardy contestant Facebook group? My news feed is cluttered with all the tributes. I was a contestant in 2014.

My mom was also denied the genetic testing when she was diagnosed at 47, despite her own mother having it twice and dying from it. They needed another immediate relative and her sister never had it. No one mentioned that the lab might pay for it. But I was able to get the testing done since both mom and grandmom had

Unfortunately, many schools and employers require a “doctor’s note” even if you just have a virus (flu, cold, etc).

Thank you! I didn’t know to have them shake it and my paint just wasn’t magnetic because all the iron filings were at the bottom and I couldn’t stir it enough.

Different doctors do it differently. Many are stuck on LMP, others go by dating ultrasounds. Most won’t listen to you if you start telling them when you ovulated. We’d been trying for 2.5 years, so I knew quite well that based on my ovulation date the baby should be due on December 2 but my doctor decided my due date

Sounds like me, but fortunately, my labor progressed just enough that we could do a vacuum extraction instead. I did NOT want a c-section and was crying hysterically (which wasn’t helping) when my OB said it was the best option. By the time he made it to the hospital though, they let me push and then pulled her out.

Can I ask why you chose an elective c-section? And how did you find a doctor to do it? 

Do you have other pain relief options? Gas and air? Most U.S. hospitals will offer pain relief but the mom specifically has to ask for it and know what to ask for. Otherwise, we go straight to epidural. I don’t know the “strength” of our epidurals but after nearly 24 hours of back labor, I knew it was the only way I

I’m guessing most c-sections are not “chosen” by the mom, they are medically recommended due to the size of the baby, the position of the baby (breech), the length of the labor, physical distress of the baby during labor, or previous abdominal surgery (i.e. c-sections).

I know people like to say that 40 weeks is ten months, but it’s really one week more than nine months.. Each quarter of a year (3 months) is 13 weeks.

Is it really that high? Anecdotally, almost every mom I know that ended up with a c-section with baby #1 had them with each subsequent birth. And my sister-in-law had to switch to a different OB just to attempt a VBAC, which went smoothly but nobody would let her attempt it with baby #3.

Haven’t seen him since Franklin and Bash with Zach Morris. IMDB says he’s still working and stuff.