
I think we are the rare family that is doing fine with remote learning. My kindergartener was in TK last year after two years of preschool, so she already has his social skills and friends that she regularly video chats with. I made a Facebook group for kindergarten at our elementary and made friends with the parents

You can set a notification for Target that sends you a message whenever weights are in stock. I got a pair of 15s at a store 20 minutes away. You can also just check on your own each morning. It helps that I could easily get to a dozen different Targets. 

My studio actually has been holding outdoor classes. They even bring out the rowers and the weights. I’m not as concerned about surfaces as I am about aerosols and everyone still has to wear a mask. I took a trial class but I just can’t fit it into my schedule anymore with virtual school and full-time work. But I felt

this is more for the pumper than the room itself, but I always found it a good idea to put a towel across my lap to catch spills and keep my pants clean. And especially when you’re new to pumping, it’s good to have pictures (and video) of baby to help with your letdown. I even made a little photo book to keep in my

Definitely Temple of Doom. Mom took me at age 4 and I basically buried my face in her chest for about a third of the movie. Apparently, she thought I could have handled Raiders of the Lost Ark and didn’t know this one had all that gore.

I have one of those too. He sees a light on, he’s out of bed. Luckily, when he’s still a bit sleepy, he’s easy to placate.

Exactly. It’s just another small payment right now, though I also did the 3 year upfront deal. But I also have small children, so this is perfect for us. 

We still use pouches for applesauce and yogurt, so much easier than bringing utensils to the zoo or even the park. But we mostly did baby led weaning because spoon feeding an infant sucks. Let them feed themselves and you finish earlier and get to eat too.

At Orangetheory we do Ultimate Burpees sometimes: high plank, low row each side, push up, stand, overhead press, and repeat 

Were you joking about Friends and Coupling? Because Friends came on in 1994 and Coupling in 2000.

Took my newly 3 year old to an outdoor showing of “Hocus Pocus” a couple weeks ago and he wasn’t quite ready for it. But my 4.5 year old ate it up and has asked to rewatch it continually. Maybe it wouldn’t be quite so scary for him on the small screen and now that he knows that they defeat the witches.

He paid off the debt for his entire class, not his own personal debt.

Everytime I read these things I wonder how long it takes to get small children into those SUVs and CUVs. Had to upgrade my hatchback after an accident and with two preschoolers, there was no way I wasn’t going minivan. Sliding doors make my life SO much better. Is it more car than I need as a daily driver? Probably.

That must be what we used to watch in junior high (early 90s). Didn’t realize it was still around. 

Yep! I remember Anderson Cooper in Mogadishu and Kosovo. Also, Serena Altschul of MTV news. I missed their coverage of the gulf war (junior high didn’t have it, just high school) but my 7th grade history teacher would record a CNN special program for kids that aired everyday at like 2AM and bring it in. When the gulf

Is it cheating to say a guy that played for your college team but then moved on to your most hated rival in the NFL? I’m a big enough Troy Polamalu fan that I even bought his Steelers jersey. Maybe it’s just because the Bengals always suck and those Head and Shoulders commercials were great.

regarding the names...I like that everyone in my daughter’s kindergarten class has a different first name. Gone are the days of 3 Jennifers and 2 Jasons from my childhood. I recently finished a project that had four Jeff’s that were closely involved (counsel, client, and two separate consulting firms). Ages ranging

not a store, just a facebook mom group. Swapping costumes is awesome. I’ve also bought from craigslist and consignment sales. Kids like variety and there are so many trick-or-treat events throughout the month I’d love to get them a few each year if it’s only $5.

not a store, just a facebook mom group. Swapping costumes is awesome. I’ve also bought from craigslist and

Just bought my daughter’s wonder woman costume on amazon. We’d looked at amazon but they didn’t have any small enough. I was actually really impressed with the quality of an $18 costume and it fits her perfectly.

Just bought my daughter’s wonder woman costume on amazon. We’d looked at amazon but they didn’t have any small

Drive-thrus are great when getting out of the car is a real pain, like with toddlers or when I was pumping breastmilk on the way to work and just wanted a latte and a cheese danish.