Super easy! Follow Michelle’s steps.
Super easy! Follow Michelle’s steps.
If you need it in less than 5 years, I say online savings account or CD ladder. If you can wait a little longer, get a cheap S&P 500.
My doctor has given me a prescription for fancy antiperspirant but I’ve never had it do anything. I would love to get the botox. I have the sweatiest armpits, feet, and palms. My sweaty hands really limit me, I don’t want to give handshakes and I have weights fall right through my hands when I work out.
Yep, breastfeeding with a stomach bug is only topped by pumping with a stomach bug. Baby was well enough to go back to daycare but I was horribly, horribly sick and slightly dehydrated but I still needed to pump at least a little to keep up supply and not get engorged.
I tried to donate sick leave to my manager when she had breast cancer but I wasn't allowed. Luckily, I was able to use it myself to extend both of my maternity leaves. Now I have the bare minimum left but it was worth it. Our company is too small for fmla.
That was my first car and I still sewer them occasionally. Now I'm driving a 2005 matrix that I've had since 2007 and it's for 225k on it. I need to move to a minivan to fit a fifth person and two car seats but it's hard to trust something different.
Nature’s miracle. Also, we used tarps on the furniture that first weekend and day 1, we stayed in the tiled kitchen.
I love that album!
That’s so disturbing. If our babysitters aren’t available (or choose to not respond with even a courteous, sorry I’m busy) then we just don’t go out. I didn’t really love and I didn’t try any of the others, instead I joined a local facebook group just for childcare providers and seekers. That’s how we found…
Never wanting to pump again is my primary reason to not have a third kid.
We wash the favorite stuffed animal pretty much weekly with his clothes and it’s always been good enough. Luckily, he prefers his thumb to the animal but the drool is still there. Now I need some advice on how to get that thumb out of his mouth. The dentist said he should stop by age 2 and we’ve only got three months…
It’s also great for food and milk stains that get on our furniture and floors.
The soda part is great. I no longer have to figure out where coke is cheapest
have you tried steam basting the eggs? Set the whites and then add a little water and a lid to cook the tops without flipping. You can cook them past runny to a full firmness without going super over hard. I especially prefer to break my yolks a bit before basting.
We had a potential client call up about trying to start a similar service in Southern California but our Air Quality Management District makes it really tough. Lots of regulations about how much fuel you can store on a truck and only one company had approval to make the approved nozzles.
My husband’s former company was trying to do something like that. Concierge auto repair, they pick up your car, take it to do the oil change or similar service, bring it back to you. Notice I said “former” company. Didn’t catch on or they weren’t marketing it correctly.
I’m a big fan of car seats on planes, it really worries me to see unrestrained littles, plus they can get more comfortable and probably sleep better in a familiar seat. And the gate check people don’t care a lick about your seat, it’ll get tossed around like every other piece of luggage. We use a Cosco Scenera from…
Yes, the bulkhead thing was new to us when we flew. There’s no info when choosing seats about where you can’t have a carseat, we just found out when we boarded.
My next-door neighbors have two houses on their lot and every adult has at least one car so they always park in front of our house. The street can be completely empty after street sweeping and they’ll park in front of our house first. (Probably because we have shade trees, but also because they are giant pricks).
Can we just get a shame nun from Game of Thrones and follow them around ringing a bell?