
What a great idea, too bad you have that awful hold music on there. Makes me feel like I’m calling the doctor, but there’s is worse because it fades in and out and tricks you into thinking someone is picking up.

I once spilled five freshly pumped ounces all over my lap while trying to get my pump off at a red light. On the way to a big client meeting. It was a real double whammy.

You’re going to feel awesome. If you have a big enough stockpile, you can probably even start cutting back at 10 or 11 months. I was pumping on the drive to work and twice more during the day but that morning pump was super productive. My first baby was a milk fiend but baby #2 was difficult to nurse from about 8

Yep, I had lunch at 10:28am for four straight years. But I ate breakfast at 5:30 or 6 and was at school by 7.

My grandfather makes these amazing pecan pralines and I asked over and over for the recipe (it’s all in his head). His handwriting is pretty shaky so I can barely read it but he also recorded it on a cassette tape if I ever find another cassette player.

It’s not like it’s big commands. Mostly “go put your pajamas in the hamper” and “get your shoes” and “put that in the trashcan”. And he doesn’t always follow through. He’ll go in his room with his shoes to “put them in the closet” but walks back out with them two minutes later.

I find myself narrating even at work.

The best part about constantly asking them questions is when they suddenly start answering you. My 17 month old doesn’t talk a ton but he signs and follows commands really well. And you can’t get his 3 year old big sister to shut up. :)

Congrats Aimee! I’m down 20 pounds in 8 months but I’m at my wedding weight now which is a good maintenance point for me. The first ten was post pregnancy weight so they were a bit easier.

We LOVE Super Simple Songs at our house. They show it at daycare while waiting for all the kids to arrive in the mornings and my 17 month old and 3 year old are giant fans. I’ll even let them watch it on Youtube while I cook dinner in the evenings. Thank you for your work.

Me too! I use three fingers (plus my thumb) to hold it. I always figured it had to do with my tiny, tiny hands. They used to give me these little pencil grips that had three sides to force me to not use my ring finger but i just ripped them off. At least I don’t hold it in a fist.

I agree. I work in environmental consulting with engineers and geologists. It’s just as appropriate to have a picture of you working out in the field as sitting in a suit.

We’ve had both kids in daycare the entire year that my husband has been unemployed because it’s much easier for him to look for work while they are out of the house. And they are gregarious kids that need to be around a lot of people. They are stir-crazy when we’re home on the weekends. If I was the unemployed one, it

I don’t think so, they have completed converted to being an east coast/Midwest version of Carl’s jr.

I’m sure I’d given up on plenty of books along the way (notably Tom Sawyer because I got pneumonia while we were reading it in 6th grade and never had to take the final test). The first one that really stands out in my mind though is “A Heartbreaking Work of Staggering Genius”. I realized about halfway through that it

The Foundation books have a real ebb and flow to them. Some elements are great and keep you going and then they get bogged down and really boring. I’m surprised I read as much as I did and I think I stopped somewhere in book 3.

I love that book. I have a signed copy. He wrote a bunch of the good ones.

You can’t do that with California pregnancy disability leave. The four weeks before have to be before. If you work closer to the birth, you miss out on that time. Then it’s 6 weeks (or 8 if you have a c-section) for pregnancy disability leave and 6 weeks of paid family leave (bonding time) for the mom at 55% of pay.

  • What’s your favorite processed, totally craptastic food you enjoy more than homemade? I also love Blue Box Kraft Mac and Cheese but I’m going to go with sugar cereal, especially Cinnamon Toast Crunch and Berry Crunch. My 3 year old calls it “mommy” cereal. I try to only eat it once a week and I push eggs in the

these are also only federal taxes. Most states also have income taxes, as well as some cities. And that is in addition to property taxes and sales taxes.