I have been looking at so many acronyms lately for work that I was trying to figure out what "pin-five" was in terms of the sexuals. Ugh.


Nah, as a grown ass woman I support the usage. 100%.

The last two lines of the article are how I will end every prayer ever for the rest of my life.

Apparently math is hard, and understanding unit values is even harder.

I call boys boys and girls girls....men and women seems super formal, and I don't use those words to describe people I know. FWIW 32 year old girl and engineer here; I recognize it is kind of cutesy to do it, but I feel cutesy about my friends :/

REALLY glad you clarified. That. Is a very dog looking fur coat.

This encompasses everything right about Minnesota.

Well written and researched. Nice article.

I love this face, and would like to smooch it.

I am still pro-scrunchie, and hope that she doesn't give in to the demands of a scrunchieless Queen.

Casseroles for lyfe.

I don't disagree with your points at all. The key is, "If they really wanted to". I think that this won't happen for quite a while yet. For every LDS woman who blogs positively about this, there are five who do not. Obvs not scientific study there, just empirically based.

For clarity, I am not a practicing Mormon. I barely practice being an atheist. I was just sharing from my 20+ years of experience with the church what my opinion is on the likeliness of this coming to fruition.

As a Jack Mormon, I can safely say that this is not likely to be something that the church will accommodate. The separate but equal nature of the sexes as laid out by God in the Doctrine and Covenants/Pearl of Great Price, as well as writings by more recent prophets (Gordon B. Hinckley) all make very clear that the

Puppies? That picture of a micropig eating ice cream? These are the tough questions.

Way to go Western New York!

I really like this guy's eye-color. Hashtag completely unrelated to the story.

It amazes me how my mind turns into a screaming ball of pain that insists I WILL NEVER BE WARM AGAIN, despite the fact that I will be, in like two months. I just stop believing in everything.

It is depressing. I do everything I can for my kids, but my heart breaks for others. So sad. I end up feeling absolutely helpless beyond the borders of my family.