Gratz to your family, pretty cool. I am going to assume you have read the book; does it go into a discussion of early capitalists like George Eastman? I will get it out from the library either way, but curious.
Gratz to your family, pretty cool. I am going to assume you have read the book; does it go into a discussion of early capitalists like George Eastman? I will get it out from the library either way, but curious.
ABSOLUTE best. My first favorite First Lady. Eleanor Roosevelt is second, natch.
I have that same unicorn, her name is Destiny. Obvs.
50 smackeroos sez the kid won.
GO BEARS. Also, I am very sorry you had tornadoes.
"She also just ate all that spaghetti." hashtag realtalk
The key takeaway here is that there was no empirical evidence to substantiate the claims made. If you are recommending that Jezebel hire a female scientist to write about science cough cough then I am sure plenty cough cough cough could be found. Your passive aggressive response to this is definitely indicative of…
I am waiting excitedly for pictures.
Because of Sexy Baby, which is the thing all women should be? Lake Bell is boss in this interview:…
White female here. White people are clueless about systemic racism and how much we benefit from it. I like to think of myself as really informed and working hard to be an ally, but I AM STILL BENEFITING ALL THE TIME FROM SYSTEMIC RACISM. White people can be activists and do all the right things (whatever that means)…
try tennis court!! It is so good!!
This is literally my face right now after Bekaby.
The leaf is on the fig tree = biblical kookypants equivalent of the eagle has landed? Orrrr something else? I just picture her in army commandos screaming "The leaf is on the fig tree, people, repeat, THE LEAF IS ON THE FIG TREE."
I also drink shiraz and I am a blonde type a engineer.
Mojitos are hipster boys that you think could be really good fucks but then they try to be ironically racist and you have to finish them quickly and not get another.
I....I don't really like this :/ How about this instead?
I subscribe to National Geographic. I have never (and I use that word accurately) bought a women's magazine because I think (maybe paranoid) that I am buying into a corporate zombie ideal of what women are, want, need, and do. Oh I also get Food and Wine cuz they got sexy meat pics all day and their recipes are always…