I’ve lost both my parents and am in tears over this. The reality of it, and the obvious love you write with. Thank you. You made me feel less alone.

COYS. Fun read tho.

just.....your handle.....all the wins.

battery fail=a nonadvantageous result of the test......just saying

Spuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuurs for the win!!!!!!! #savestheseason

Hi, just here to be the buzzkill stating that global warming (the driver of climate change) is anthropogenic, and we can have an impact on it by changing our behavior and pressuring our governments and corporations to change theirs!

Gorgeous. Love the straight skirt with train, such a classic appeal.

Thanks for writing this, it is clear and deeply explanatory. And I am sure it took time out of what is an already busy day.

Jeeeeeeeeeeez. Rochester is an amazingly vibrant city with two world-class universities, thriving downtown neighbors, gorgeous parks, proximity to the Finger Lakes and Toronto, and consistently rated one of the top 20 places to live and raise a family in the country. This photography seems highly selective and

Interestingly, my PhD marked me down, whereas a master's would have given me a bonus. I don't have the point of reference either, but I really liked the original piece you linked to.

The wedding dresses in that link are gorgeous

Why is there no UEFA coverage? Just gonna save it all up for World Cup like every other American news outlet? -American Disappointed in Your Sports Coverage, Not You Personally.

All he wanted was a Pepsi.

Thank you! I will bring better snacks for shelter bunnies!

Thank you! At first I thought you said squints, and I thought that sounded adorable.

Thank you! They are some of my favorite little friends to visit when I volunteer at the shelter, so I will bring healthier treats now.

But but but but I want to give him ALL THE CARROTS D: Is there a different food that I can give to tiny bunnies when I meet them? Genuine question!

Whatcha gotta do is, fast forward til you think you are close, then play, then pause, then fast forward while paused. If you do this often enough it will become second nature and nothing will ever be ruined again.

As a scientist, I LOVE THE PRECISION *AND* ACCURACY. As a pacifist, I feel like this has potential to reduce loss of life. As a human, I really don't ever want one of those targeting me, and this totes awakens a latent fear of our inevitable robot overlords.

Once again, Big Science shows up with its "scare quotes" trying to keep people from channeling divine energy. /s <——-just in case