Can I ask you something? The previous owner of my car (2002 Jetta with 1.8L turbo) said he always used premium, "because of the turbo". I'd never owned a car with a turbo before, so I've just been doing it. Would you call bullshit?


So wait, he is 17.5 years old?!

Here here. I had mine at 19 (after getting married) and am now a happy single parent finishing my PhD. My life is good, and my kid will be 21 when I am 40. Frankly, I think waiting can have LOTS of negative repercussions, JUST like having a kid too soon! So go get preggers when you think its the right time and quit

Can we clarify "light sexual play"? WTF is that?

Or even better your LOCAL rescue organization and also save some of them and hold them while you walk around. I can't lie. Guys that genuinely care for and help rescue the innocent are total nom noms in my book. And you don't have to be a firefighter! You can volunteer at an animal shelter!

The world's smallness overwhelmed me and I capitalized every letter. Sorry everyone.


I couldn't stop watching. Which is more than I can say for the actual game.

Your gifs. They...they speak to me in such a profound and eloquent way. I think I nerdcrushheart you. A Lot.


+1 for sheer enjoyment.

Amazing article. Well written and very thoughtful. Thank you.

I have three kids, and still boycott Black Friday. I buy local, and pay full price. That means they get FEWER gifts of HIGHER quality. I don't want anything to do with mass consumption culture. I don't know anyone who participates in it, but apparently a lot of people do. It makes me sad. Like, entire pie level sad.

It is a shitty puppetfuck.

Np. It took me a while to articulate it, but I think that we have a deeply flawed consumer/company relationship that is only beginning to change. POWER TO THE PEOPLE!

Also, this whole thing is a shitty puppetfuck.

So I think the point here (let me girlsplain? not right) the point as I perceive it, is that Facebook and its CEO bill themselves as THE definers of connection. I don't want to engage in a slippery slope fallacy, but I think it is important that we ARE questioning whether or not we agree and appreciate with the

ERHMERGERD beautiful

AHHH me too!