Well, *I* think you guys are great, and I'm grateful you are an intact American family. I used food stamps when my husband had a brain tumor and couldn't work or care for our 1 year old (who's now 11) and I am almost done with my PhD. KEEP GOING, YOU'VE GOT THIS!!

I enjoy this question.

JOE BUCK!!! Deep down, on a scale of 1 to bat-shit, how annoying is Troy Aikman? GO BEARS.

I salute you, so well put.

Your mom knows.

We've got Louise Slaughter (champion of the oppressed) against Maggie Brooks (county executive from hell who is funded by the Kock Brothers) running for Congress. So we are 28, and I think you are 25?

ARGH I know!!! and anti-Maggie paranoia...Her signs make me mildly queasy.


I am highly competitive and I smile at all strangers in the daytime. At night I smile at no one. (I typically walk or run alone.) In terms of coworkers, bosses, and "subordinates" (don't really like that word) I smile at the "subordinates" when they are doing well, the coworkers usually crack me up (and hopefully vice

So I try to listen to him for 10 minutes a day, to know how crazy the crazy is. And let me tell you, it is crazy. His disconnect from facts is stupefying. His inability to argue using any logic, EVER, is amazing. The fact that he is still on the air, and still supported by companies, is depressing. I try to make lists

OH I FORGOT I SAID THAT!! :) you are officially funny again.

I think thanks? It was kinda self-aggrandizing to promote my own article :(


I am a female engineer/scientist. I personally consider any person who has published a peer-reviewed journal article to count as a science journalist, because, well, they are journaling science! Along those lines: Dr. Kara Bren (http://chem.rochester.edu/~kbgrp/), Dr. Marie Curie, Dr. Allison Frontier

I don't enjoy having my tattoos touched. They are on my shoulders and collarbone, and are done in a watercolor style that makes them very....different from what is typically seen in my city. People don't think they are real, and will attempt to touch or wipe them. I smack their hands and say NO. BAD HUMAN.

This is one of the most disturbing articles I have read on Jezebel. I was a homeless strung-out teenager (now a PhD student and parent, clean for 12 years, yadda yadda yadda) and I never once considered prostitution as a viable option to get money for drugs and food. I ate out of dumpsters and begged for money on the