
Ugh. As a designer myself the thought of sending my resume as a Word DOC just absolutely makes me cringe. I don't trust Word in the slightest to produce a document that is viewed the same across multiple computers/operating systems/versions of MS Office. I'm aware of techniques that I can use to help things display

This is the exact problem I have with Lebron (and the majority of the NBA, really). We get it. You're obviously very good at shooting a basketball. It's probably why you're in the NBA. But if I want to watch a guy lazily dribble around the perimeter and cast up jumpers all night, I can head down to an open gym at the

Or, you could just use the built in Mac Utility DigitalColor Meter. It doesn't do CMYK, but it's essentially the same thing...and free...

I had the same thought...

I know it sounds a little "stalker-y," but the cardio room in my former gym overlooked the weight facility. While I was working out, I would find a person on one of the machines and count their reps. When they were done, I'd move on to someone else. When they were done, I'd move on to someone else and so on. I'd

Maybe Kobe will finally start wearing (and endorsing) shoes that actually have some ankle support...

Took me a little bit...

The issue I have isn't that he joined the fight. If one of my teammates was being attacked, I would do the same thing (especially if it was a friend or brother). The issue I have is that he literally jumped a good 8-10 feet out of the stands and ran across the field (track infields are not small) to "help" a fight

I saw that, too. What did he think he would possibly contribute but jumping out of the stands and running all the way across the field, especially when, by all indications, the fight had mostly dissipated by then?


Sigh...nevermind. You've all beaten me into the ground enough on this one. I'm a horrible human being who doesn't deserve to live.

Ha! Well done. I guess I just needed something to complain about today...

Just not what I expected to pop in my Giz section on Google reader, that's all.

Yeah, no kidding. I had the Pippen 5's, which were the same concept (and rumored to be able to exchange "skins" with the GP's. I never tried, though...)

Fair enough. I stand corrected. I must have missed that.

Well, this kinda came out of left field, Giz...

"...and the New Orleans Jazz moved to Utah where they don't allow music."

Hmmm....not a bad idea. I'll have to check that out. Thanks for the tip!

Just did something similar to my office desk to convert from sitting to standing. You don't even really need the table hardware. You can essentially make the same thing with some extra wood and some steel tubing. That way, I could make it lift higher than what the hardware can accomodate.

I tend to feel the same way. I always look at deals like this and think "Oh, really? All these apps were this expensive beforehand???"