
All due respect, Luke, this kind of information has been out there since Microsoft announced the requirements — before that, even. The press release announcing Xbox One said some of this stuff. You simply chose not to report it or were unaware of it.

In your experience, did they know not to hyphenate words such as "newly-degreed"?

Seriously? You're throwing a bitch fit because it's an exclusive title and it's not on the platform you own? Get the fuck over it. I'm sorry we've advanced past monopolies and there's actually competition in the personal computing markets now.

How is it a childish statement? It's a fact. Stop getting all offended because a company you like handled something poorly.

Gearbox re-wrote the game from scratch after TimeGate handed them what they had done in their time with it. TimeGate abandoned many of Gearbox's original assets, however. Gearbox was the company in charge of developing the game, then they were in charge of overseeing the development, and the game they chose to release

Yeah, the headline's misleading. There were multiple studios behind the game, and TimeGate wasn't the studio that made the final game, according to Kotaku's own reporting.

Can't say I agree with the review at all.

...and, reading between the lines just a bit, it's good in much the same way the original Star Trek was.

Man, you guys have got to find a better way to do your review cards in this shitty new Kenja layout that blows for images.

I never said I removed the story from the equation. I'm not really sure where you got that idea from. As a game, "Dishonored" is better. As a story, "Infinite" is better. I would much rather play the former than the latter. Stop trying to use dissimilar analogies to make a point that I never refuted.

Can't even remotely agree. As a game, "Dishonored" royally demolishes "Infinite." As a story, however, the latter is clearly superior. But if you ask me which I'd rather play? No contest, "Dishonored."

It was enough to get people's curiosity, but not their attention.

It looks much better than the first movie, but that's not saying much — that's not exactly a high bar to pass.

"In the current iteration of the script, it doesn’t address Wolverine – though it does address Deadpool’s appearance in Wolverine. Deadpool was not happy with Deadpool inWolverine. He has a sort of a WTF!? moment with that. The script is one rewrite away from Deadpool jumping across the desk at the studio executive

On what planet is "A.I." a bad movie? I'm really starting to think articles such as this are just going for the contrarian factor at this point.

There were lots of companies that were at CES. Doesn't mean they're working together. You didn't even try to get a quote from Valve on the matter? It was always Xi3 saying it was building a Steambox, never Valve.

RDJ also claimed "Iron Man 2" was going to be amazing and the script was amazing. He hand-picked Justin Theroux to write it.

Suffice it to say, it is almost certainly going to be the best Iron Man movie by a longshot, and honestly, it may end up better than Avengers. Holy hell.

How many times do I have to post this before io9 notices and realizes many of these are bit parts to set up the film's universe?

...well, that's disappointing. I liked the previous Crysis games. Not really surprised the lack of polish is an issue given the state Crysis 2 was released in, however, and how quickly Crysis 3 was developed.