Owen, where did you determine this was an MMO? The thread on FacePunch says it's an open-world game and compares it to singleplayer games. The phrasing of the post doesn't imply any MMO aspects.
Owen, where did you determine this was an MMO? The thread on FacePunch says it's an open-world game and compares it to singleplayer games. The phrasing of the post doesn't imply any MMO aspects.
OK, where does everyone keep getting that it's an MMO from? Here's what the forum topic says: "An inside source has confirmed that SOB (Valve's new IP) is an unannounced game entitled Stars of Barathrum (working title). Plays like privateer/freelancer but also with the ability to command larger cruisers and capital…
Who said it was an MMO?
I'd really like Venom or Carnage done right, personally.
You know what, I'm just going to say it: it sounds like a horrible Jurassic Park movie, but it could still be a great horror movie if handled by the right director. But Hollywood gives me very little hope of that happening.
Emily Blunt should be in every movie ever. I think that will fix the lack of Emily Blunt in non-Emily Blunt movies. For shame, non-Emily-Blunt-employing movie studios!
I think the people who were upset with it have cloudy memories of the original, to be blunt.
I hope they're connected more and I hope it pisses fans off, too. The fan reaction to Prometheus is the most absurd thing I've ever seen.
Sudden infant death isn't unfeasible.
I can't wait to poke little Worm Totilo.
I demand the next Jurassic Park movie be solely about these dinosaurs.
Well, duh: don't mess with Texas.
So "touching" means "raping" now?
How do you not understand why I think that?
I never said I like movies which only have a single concept, nor did I even remotely imply as much... not really sure where you got that from?
I'm more than cautiously optimistic — I'm ecstatic they chose Matt Reeves. Both Cloverfield and Let Me In were superb, and he does a great job creating character pieces, which I felt was missing from the first. I think he will give the movie a more realistic tone.
As a man, I'm ashamed you are a representation of my gender.
It served no purpose for the overwhelming majority of the film. Saying "oh, yeah, there's also this telekinesis thing happening" and showing someone floating quarters and then not mentioning it for the next hour and a half is not a good way to introduce a plot element that's supposedly central to the movie.