
Not everyone is cut out to post on the Internet either, but I ain't being a jerk to you about it.

I wish they'd hurry up and release a teaser, even if the movie is a year off... I want to see some Blomkamp/Damon goodness!

I'm insanely pumped for this movie. I haven't been paying a ton of attention to Comic-Con, but will they be showing any footage for it?

I think Marc Forster is a good director, the problem is he just doesn't have much flair. His movies are all very by-the-numbers and almost have a melancholy-ish feel to them, if that makes any sense.

I think the reasoning in this article is more than a little off.

No mention of the fact that he was going to do the music for Doom 3 and did some of the music for Quake? I really wish he had — would've suited the game perfectly. There's some leaked tracks out there, however.

Jason has a wild dream where he wakes up in old timey He-Man pajammas. I'm unbelievably upset with myself for still finding him unbelievable attractive in them.

I downgraded from their 250 plan to their 100 plan (or whatever it is) because of it. AMC was one of the few reasons to stay at a higher tier.

Well that's taking the auroch by the horns.

A colleague of mine recently had to interview the head of a regional Boy Scouts organization — after reading some of his statements, it wasn't hard at all to see where boy scouts get their views from. This guy was just hurling inappropriate comments about gays and atheists left and right. He could have simply restated

And, yet, your argument still says "what makes it a fact" in regards to your opinion. So, yeah, you're still not getting it. And indirectly comparing Crysis 2 to Haze is asinine when you consider the reviews of each game.

Well, the closest U.S. equivalent, the Girl Scouts, are a fairly liberal organization. The Boy Scouts, on the other hand, are anything but.

You seem to be having a hard time understanding what constitutes a "fact" and what constitutes an "opinion." Others sharing your opinion does not make it a fact, especially when it's others in a very specific group of people.

Maya Reinhartz's response paraphrased: "This is my opinion and it is fact because it is my opinion."

In Soviet Russia, exam leaves you!

Did she also show up with smeared mascara, the same clothing she wore yesterday and the word "penis" written on her forehead? I mean, she could just be trying to get in the mindset of her students.

I was going to say the same thing in terms of Bruce Willis. The picture looks fantastic — I'm glad Blomkamp is keeping that gritty feeling of District 9. Easily one of my most anticipated movies in years.

Hah, I love "Notebook good." Great phrase.

(Yeah, the commenting system is being wonky.) Green Lantern was such a massive clusterfuck in terms of the tone they were going after. It just didn't seem anything like Green Lantern — it wasn't sure if it wanted to be a slapstick-esque superhero movie or what. I think the problem was that WB was being a pain in the