Oh, stop sealling him short — I thought it was quite funny!
Oh, stop sealling him short — I thought it was quite funny!
To be fair, 90% of that dialogue is just yelling one word over and over ("OPTIMUUUUUUUSSSSSSSSSSSSS!").
I love how you have to have the last word. It literally makes me laugh.
Yeah, re-reading my post, I phrased it very poorly. What I meant to say is I have a hard time seeing how people can expect it to be the best superhero movie ever when there's been some absolutely amazing ones that didn't have the constraints The Avengers has.
Wait, wait, wait... we just went through this. You agreed that "literally" was used correctly in previous opinion statements, yet now you're changing your tune. I repeat: someone does not need to say "I think" or some similar statement for a statement to be an opinion. And I also repeat: you just said a previous…
Were people actually expecting this to be the best superhero movie ever? I mean, I just don't understand all the hype in that regard. There are so many moving parts and things that have to be worked in that I simply can't see that happening on any level. I'm sure people will geek out for it, and may quickly give a…
How many times do I need to state "it was an opinion statement" before that starts getting through to you? He was quite clearly expressing his opinion. I know that in second grade we're all taught that opinion statements start with "I think" or something along those lines, but that is not the only way to express an…
Hah, I love it when someone is incorrect about what a word means — so much so that said person will even redefine the word. Listen, I already gave you the definition of "literally" — from a reputable source, for the record — and for some reason you keep insisting that this is not an appropriate definition.
It was a joke. What's so bad about jokes? What are you, the joke police?
I'm not sure what's wrong with having a disagreement, so long as done so in a civil manner. Good day, then.
Yes, you can say the word literally when making an opinion statement. He literally thinks it has the worst writing in gaming — as in he is not exaggerating his belief. He is being literal, not figurative. His use of the word fits with the definition. You, however, have come up with your own grammatical rules that are n…
I'm sure those who are obsessed with the idea of capitalism will support this movie as a cautionary tale, a la Atlas Shrugged.
I don't think directing a critically and commercially acclaimed novel would be selling out personally, but to each his/her own. I don't really think the series would be outside of Cronenberg's sensibilities.
For some reason I get the feeling the story often gets overruled by the game developers in the Gears of War games. The second game had a pretty decent story, but there's always head scratching moments where you go, "wait, what are they doing here?"
This is hardly a misuse of the word "literally." It's an opinion statement, so it very well may be "literally" for him. If he had said "the Gears of War story is literally crap," then he'd be misusing the word.
I don't think so. Crazier directorial choices have been made, and if Cronenberg weren't interested, he would've just pulled out.
Alasdair, you and I are of the same mind when it comes to good directors. I may not be a Hunger Games fan, but I'd like to see the job go to a fantastic director. Can't say I think Francis Lawrence fits that mold, personally. Not to say he's a scrub, but they had so many better choices!
The io9 staff are all secretly bronies.
Are they going to hire a deep sea drilling team to lead the way? I hear they're really good at this kind of stuff. Just make sure to give them animal crackers... for some reason they've got a thing for animal crackers.
RDJ should be required by law to do post-show credit sequences for every show on television.