Good article, Evan. To be honest, though, I wish it were longer.
Good article, Evan. To be honest, though, I wish it were longer.
I liked Avatar beyond the cheesy elements you mentioned, but I hold out hope that sappy stuff will be out of the sequels since it was so overdone in the first.
I still have a hard time deciding which film I like more — Alien or Aliens — since they're such drastically different films.
I really need to see these in better quality, because right now the image quality and the mono-sounding dialogue gives these clips the feel of a bad '60s comic book made-for-TV movie.
That cave looks more inhabitable than my college dorm room. Man, cavemen had it so good.
Wow... that's... creepy. To put it mildly.
Have you seen Pluto Nash? It makes Battlefield Earth look like Citizen Kane.
I know that everyone here loves to say Battlefield Earth, but it shouldn't have even won its last match-up (against The Adventures of Pluto Nash).
This actually looks pretty decent. The commercial they showed during Family Guy was too toned down (which it had to be to air, but still).
Those are some odd choices for Captain America 2 director... yes, even moreso than Marvel is used to picking. I wouldn't say any of those guys are bad choices though, just really odd. Gray probably has the most experience, but I wouldn't say that makes him a likely choice.
There's actually a great story about this from when Tyson was being interviewed by Stephen Colbert at some event honoring him... I can't remember the name, but perhaps someone knows what I'm talking about and can link it.
This doesn't look bad at all. Looks much better than the teaser trailer they cut for this.
This is fantastic. It's great to see the guy getting all his senses and facial capabilities back. I'm sure he'll gladly trade the somewhat jarring looks in the mirror (realizing his face is completely different, I mean) for all that.
Yes it does. It's the second link in the article. Click it (or refresh if it doesn't load).
I thought the cargo ship was an awesome ending... I'm really looking forward to seeing how this season ends (especially since there's a good chance it'll be the end of the series).
The final link is supposed to be .net instead of .com.
Yeah, I'd much rather watch Clash of the Titans over Battle: Los Angeles. It's just more entertaining, even if neither are very good films.
So basically it's the same bad movie as Clash of the Titans, with the same bad directing from the guy who made Battle: Los Angeles (and also directed this movie).
I judge people by what they thought of the sequels to Paranormal Activity and Saw, but not the originals.
Completely agree with this recap, Alasdair. I'll just copy-and-paste what I wrote in the observation deck: