
I know, what I'm saying is that unless they plan on stretching out the storyline that Peter's in a timeline he's not supposed to be in, I'd make the assumption Peter is in the correct timeline (which will be revealed tomorrow, as you said). Otherwise why would Lincoln be crossing over? He's not really vital in the

Unless they plan on really stretching out the storyline, if Lincoln is crossing over in a couple of episodes, I'd assume Peter is in the "correct" timeline. Because I really don't want this aspect of the plot to keep going on too much longer.

Did you design the alien cannons to look like the red pegs from the board game?

Equilibrium is far from a bad movie. It may not win any awards, but it's still a good, fun movie.

I accept that someone thinks differently than me. I think you need to take a course in reading comprehension, because you clearly are having a hard time grasping what I actually said.

The troll is strong with you.

Crap? Please. Just because you don't like something doesn't make it "crap." There are plenty of games I don't like, but that doesn't mean I can't see why they're good games.

Call me crazy, but I'd still go down that slide without question.

Mila Kunis, Rachel Weisz, and Michelle Williams are the witches? Those are some insanely beautiful witches...

See, guys, this is what Mel Gibson was talking about! Doesn't seem so insane now, does he?!

Even if it did end well, 12 episodes is going to be extremely expensive for a show that only ended with 4 million viewers.

I agree with everything you wrote, but also the fact that it seemed to stray so far from its initial premise in such a short period of time. It took Lost seasons to introduce all the paranormal elements it did and alienate some of its viewers. The River did that in the span of a few episodes.

If there were a director's cut of Ultraviolet, maybe you'd say the same thing. The studio really butchered Wimmer's movie. I doubt it'd be a good film without their involvement, but it certainly made it worse. I believe I read there was something like 30 minutes of story-related scenes cut from the movie.

I'm still surprised Catwoman was seeded so low. That movie was baaaaaaaaaaaaaaad.

Love these.

Could there possibly be a better episode title than "Rick's Tacos"? I don't think so.

As long as Zoe Saldana is still Uhura, I don't care what she wears. She can wear a snuggy for all the fucks I give.

Ridley Scott: "Guys, this isn't an Alien prequel!

I know Meredith is a good interviewer, but it just seems odd to get so aroused by her journalistic capabilities.

I don't know why, but anything that comes out of Statham's mouth just screams "douchebag" to me after seeing interviews he's done (as in he's treated journalists like shit and just seems like an ass).