
Mary Kate. She's already got the dainty arms and figure.

Yup, that's about the response I expected from you — lacking any sort of intelligent thought and simply saying, "you're wrong because I'm right." Well done. I'm done with you now, you can feel free to troll someone else.

You lost me at "people should toughen up" in regards to any form of bullying. I simply can't even remotely respect your position.

No, cyber harassment is not the word I'm looking for. Cyber bullying is the correct nomenclature. So, say my argument falls flat all you want; the difference is I've explained myself and backed up my position, whereas all you've done is said, "nope, you're wrong."

I'm aware that's the idea, but I don't believe it's a good one as it leads to fragmentation, as I previously stated.

To repeat: I never said her response wasn't childish. You keep ignoring that fact. And, yes, she is being bullied — please look up the definition of cyber bullying.

Lowing your standards makes you a bully? No, she didn't specifically bully any one individual. She said the people bullying her don't get pussy and don't have jobs in the gaming industry. She never bullied any individual.

Being a grown up does not mean you're incapable of being bullied. Furthermore, "taking her to task"? Over fucking what? Her personal opinion on why she doesn't enjoy certain aspects of gaming? It's her fucking opinion. Quit getting butthurt over it. People aren't always going to like the same thing. I specifically

The argument that the EyeToy is the predecessor to Kinect has never made any sense to me. First of all, that same implementation has existed for ages in other technology, and secondly, it lacks almost all of the important features Kinect offers (regardless of whether you like or dislike Kinect, it has far more unique

I still don't agree. This individual was previously shooting at Rick, so he should have no qualms seeing him go, cop or not. I just have run out patience with Rick. I can't see any logical or emotional reason for this particular decision (same goes with Lori leaving the farm), but to each his/her own.

I agreec with your basic premise, but the problem is you're ignoring the environment they were in. Tons of zombies just about surrounding them, no time for anything, but you want to save this kid? It makes no logical or emotional sense, when he has a family and future child to get back to. Not to mention the doctor

So what you're saying is bullying is a fact of life, so get over it? What a wonderful message to send.

And yet again, some of the comments on Kotaku are just as bad as the problem in question.

I really hated Rick's decision to save the boy. It just made no logical sense. I know he's made questionable choices before, but to me those all felt believable responses (not wanting certain things on your conscience). But this decision just made no sense.

Yup, that was one of the comments I was referring to. It's just an absurd argument, and there's no real logical thought behind it — it's just a way of derailing.

I think the confused look on the face of all the models is the look of, "Oh my God, he's going to murder me after he takes these pictures, isn't he?"

Yeah, I have to say, I'm pretty disappointed with all the derailing arguments (particularly the "slippery slope" of minority inclusion a few users made).

Your argument is truly getting absurd.

OK, I'm sure they wouldn't like it, but this is done all the time in hiring applications and what not. There's a solution, even if I'm not aware of it.

Yes, but did it have any broken bones?