
When we were kids my grandfather took us to many, many demolition derbies. I think we called them "smash-up derbies". We loved it. It seems they were more common in the late 70s than today.

find a garage, park, and walk home. But then again, I can understand not wanting to park my McLaren in a random garage.

They might as well arrest the CEO of the liquor company as well. Where does the blame stop? The driver, the friends who saw it, the adult who allowed them to get alcohol, the manufacturer, or how about just going after the kids' parents for birthing them.

Really? I never noticed. Wow. Well, if you have to turn off the DRL so you can see the actual turn signal, something was designed wrong.

The shear number of new Audis that I see with one DRL or headlight out is surprising.

Looks like the rear windows open, hence the dead ended chrome.

Yessssss. I dig it. Lose the two tone-ish colors, this isn't an Outback. AWD would be cool, but you can't have everything (like non-CVT, let alone an actual production version of this).

Humans have lost all sense of reasonable and appropriate scale.

I seem to like it better than the 1. But the hood... isn't the crest supposed to live on the hood?

WV? Slawdogs? No, it's pepperoni rolls. Heck, even ramps.

So what they are saying is there is no zero tolerance for law breaking? Sounds OK. Speed, even 5 over, get pulled over.

This is stupid. It already was.

"this way of bending the rules will go down as one of the most legendary designs in motorsports." Bending the rules like this has always been a part of motor sports. This is just the latest and highest tech so far.

They deserved a few more "the study said". They repeatedly disagreed with facts, solid researched facts from the study.

It looks like the hood scoop is completely taped on.

So it's up to a gas station attendant to determine registration? They sell gas, not act as judge and jury. The president should simply request that the gas stations call the cops when something illegal happens. See a crime, report it. Easy.

This my favorite thing of the day.

Me! And my knees hurt more each time I watched.

Move on, folks. Nevar forgetting is fine, honoring those lost is important, but the panic seen every year on this day is uncalled for.

Headlight eyelashes. Not extremely ostentatious, but...