
"Ralph, Spider Man does not have wheels."

Spike TV is developing Red Mars as a series

I agree: I don't think even Jones fully understands how time travel works, so I think any blythe assumptions that the show "must" follow one of a handful of time travel models is just that: an assumption. The alternative isn't just "making it up as we go along" — it may well be a set of rules that we don't know &

I just hope this doesn't lead anyone to watch Star Trek V.

"I wasn't even supposed to be here today."

Glorfindel's replacement by Arwen in Fellowship of the Ring neatly solved the problem of illustrating why Aragorn was fixated upon her. Book Arwen is a pretty passive object, and having Liv Tyler stand there would not have conveyed this nearly as effectively as making her a badass.

I'm sorry, the the first Avengers film would have been 10000% better if the Hulk juggled elephants while disguised as a robot clown.

And I loved the Avengers film :D

This is a cromulent point.

I'll celebrate World Pangolin Day when someone gives me a pangolin, dammit!

I don't need no day to tell me when to celebrate the pangolin!

The monk is still alive, he is just in deep meditation.

Honestly I could care less about the time travel inconsistencies. I crack up when people try to make rules in articles and reviews about time travel. Hello- this is sci fi not reality! I am loving this show more as it goes. I love time travels themed shows and movies and this one is rocking it! Also I am glad they

Nothing to see here. Just David Bowie playing with his balls.

This list begins and ends with this episode.

SG-1 - Unending - final episode. Lived out there entire life in a time bubble. Hope that counts.

And I'm trying not to cry at my desk. Thanks a ton.

Obligatory xkcd.

Moffat, give this man a full time job dammit!