No - the fonts are weird and fucking huge.
More to the point, what does God need with a starship?
I hope I didn’t come across as trashing it - more than I don’t get it, and don’t like the idea.
Its over-engineering. A knob works well. Its not something that needed to be changed or improved. If I have a bad cold one day and lose my voice, now I can’t completely operate my car?
But there’s my point - I have to SEE it. I have to LOOK. We are engineering away the use of all the other senses when driving in favor of sight.
When you use the controls on the wheel, how do you confirm what you’ve done - you have to look at the dash, or the screen.
See? As a person who has never even been inside a Model S, this is the kind of response I am looking for. Thank you.
This has bugged me for a long time, as I assumed that a transmission increased engine efficiency. Then I saw this:
John Oliver is a treasure.
I don;t see how your juvenile reply adds to a very real discussion and concern about distracted driving.
I’m sorry, but I see no kazoos in those photos.
No. As previously noted, nothing could have changed this inevitable event.
What happens when dirt gets inside it?
Margaritas for everyone!
You answered your own question. This is corporate welfare at its worst. Money that could be gotten has been gotten, and it doesn’t matter if the thing works or not.
The F35 is the largest corporate welfare & jobs program in US history. The point was never to make it work.
internet bro-fist.
Wait. That’s not Gwen Stefani?