Let us be crystal clear - the revulsion most of us feel at this is an act of biology, not morality. It is a defense mechanism to protect the species because inbreeding causes birth defects.
Let us be crystal clear - the revulsion most of us feel at this is an act of biology, not morality. It is a defense mechanism to protect the species because inbreeding causes birth defects.
You magnificent bastard!
and rightly so, you filthy animal.
nonsense. My snark comes pre-installed.
Also, if I had to pick an identity for myself, gender is not what I'd use. I eschew "cisgender male" for my chosen identity of "asshole".
Well go you.
English is a shitty language at the best of times... we don't have all the requisite pronouns.
I'm good either way. They are pretty unlikeable people anyway, so there's that. I can be kind of an asshole though.
I mean, really.
I really identified with this. I was raised Mormon and have been in recovery for about 4 years. I don;t have much to do with my mom, sister, or brother who are devout.
Just for my own clarity a "transgender man" means you were born with female anatomy but identify as male and are transitioning your body towards a male appearance? Hormone therapy for starters, I'd presume?
having no kids helps. I love my kids, but goddamn if they aren't expensive little buggers sucking the very lifeblood from my veins...
Wait... Cosmo Spacely is their father??? JANE! You WHORE!
The Chinaman is not the issue here.
Say what you will about the tenets of National Socialism - at least its a fucking ethos.
Shut the fuck up, Donny.
I don't know about y'all, but the F-15 will always be Starscream to me :)
Well interest notwithstanding, Dave came back that afternoon and borrowed more. He kept mumbling something about processing fees. Unacceptable.
You know what? Fuck Dave. He still owes me tree fiddy.