Axl Surette

Good boy. Sony is very proud of you. Now please go back into your shed until they need you again.

Please do. Please continue to write and share info about this. I can’t believe they continue to double down on this algorithmic, “let the market decide”, hands off attitude when it continues to hurt them. Obviously, largely speaking, Valve is doing fine, but this only erodes at what faith developers have of the

in case there is any doubt as to where I stand on this—and I may write about it at more length later—I think this whole thing is a TERRIBLE idea

Tomorrow. At the latest.

Plus, you can tweet literally anything and Suda will retweet it as long as you say Killer 7 somewhere in the tweet.

The thing that gets me the most about those people is that they are usually the same people arguing that “MY FAVORITE STREAMER SAID THE N-WORD ONCE, AND APOLOGIZED, ALL IS WELL GET OVER IT!!”

RIP Totalbiscuit.

Fuck cancer.

As a plus size woman I have done some incredible work and would love to make 2B. I also don’t like being told to go kill myself repeatedly by fan boys for ruining their favorite thing.

//.hack springs to mind for me before SAO does.

Counterpoint: No.

Yeah I have absolutely zero “hatred” or vitriol toward Paradise. In fact, there are a ton of things I love about it. I played it all the way to Platinum too. I don’t remember voicing my opinion much back then (10 years ago? Yikes) and like I said I was still having a positive experience. I just definitely had the

I just feel like they picked the worst one to remaster. I think Paradise is a lot of fun but it’s not the same as Burnout 3 or Takedown. Yes, you lose the open world but that’s also part of my problem with Paradise. What I loved about the older games was the super fast paced racing combined with really aggressive

“Gaming history!” The_Happy_Hob shouted at the end of the run. “It’s easy,” he added almost in a whisper, before laughing like a man whose sanity abandoned him so long ago that he barely remembers ever having it—which makes sense, given that he ever decided to tackle this challenge in the first place.

Desolate and foreboding is different than empty and repetitive

Honestly, the idea of making an open-world Dynasty Warriors game where you can go literally anywhere at any time kills a lot of what I enjoy about those games.

When Jim Sterling doesn’t like a Dynasty Warriors game, you know something is up.

Damn, that dude sounds like a giant douchebag in that email. Asking his employees to explain to him why they don’t wanna cheat the system to make him some money?