Axl Surette

This has been going on for a while. It gets surprisingly little discussion. Hell, some months ago someone managed to get into the office space of Phil Defranco’s. A building that you aren’t supposed to get into without a keycard. Meaning someone using another office space in the building let them in.

Two people underwent a terrible event, luckily surviving, and your response is “Remember when this event was excluded for **IMPORTANT** people????”

Even if you’re being ironic/sarcastic/a troll, you can kiss every square inch of my ass.

...that’s your takeaway? What the fuck

I feel like that’s not what is important here, dude.

“I shall now defend myself in the most tone deaf way possible. That should work perfectly well.”

I don’t know enough about Dr. Disrespect to make a call, but seriously, how you gon use the “I have X friends” card?

Titles Billy Mitchell will never lose:
*looking exactly like a middle-aged man who still goes by Billy
*too-tall-Peter Dinklage
*least-allowed into Chuck-E-Cheese regardless of accompaniment by a minor

you’d think so but the fact that there’s no legit proof of him ever doing so suggests otherwise. dkf invalidated *3* of his high score submissions. if he was capable, he’s had plenty of time to come up with a by-the-rules entry.

Good. Since the King of Kong movie this has been my impression of Billy Mitchell:

There’s a Billy Mitchell Kill Screen coming up.

I agree that this isn’t the year, but we can’t whitewash him out of the history of video games. I know it’s hard to have nuanced discussions about these things, but we can’t really have a society where everyone is judged by the worst thing they have ever done. People are good and bad, people learn, people make

That sounds about right, though I still dared to dream for some variation on the “call an Assassin” mechanic from Brotherhood, given the DLC’s focus on the Hidden Ones. Or maybe a few new twists on the assassination formula, or a couple more missions without Senu, etc. 

“But Daddy you said you loved me so much. That’s why you need to get them all.”

“I didn’t get anyone killed because I didn’t discharge a weapon, and because...”


Fuck you.

If you made that call, you are at fault, full stop.

It’s a fucking video game. Get your shit together and be a decent human being, or see yourself into the care of those who will prevent you from harming others over your tiny

The SWAT officer who pulled the trigger is to blame. The person who called the fake incident into the police is to blame. The person who passed along the victim’s address is to blame.

A lot of people already covered a few points for this but I want to chime in on a few matters about why I think people are overreacting at the moment.

1. Vincent’s shocked/horror face is nothing new - he does this CONSTANTLY over ANYTHING that shakes up his life like finding out he cheated, discovering Catherine is

Meh, he made the same face when he woke up next to Catherine. Pretty sure this is all just blown way out of proportion. If Rin really is Trans, she likely did tell him that she was trans, but we’re all forgetting how these scenarios all happened in the game: He got so drunk that he didn’t remember the night before. So

People are going to start making a lot of excuses for this, and that’s fine. I think it’s fair to point out that some of this discussion is premature since we barely know anything about her and how the game will deal with her being trans, if she is.