A lot of major YouTube personalities already have a patreon on top of their YouTube revenue. Jim Sterling, for example, makes almost 12k$ a month just from patreon.
A lot of major YouTube personalities already have a patreon on top of their YouTube revenue. Jim Sterling, for example, makes almost 12k$ a month just from patreon.
It’s going to be Kenny Part 2. They’re going to find a way to make Clem “a problem” and then the final choice will be if you save her or someone else who you as the player are supposed to like.
Without getting too spoilery, the “Oneshot” name refers to the fact that in the game’s story, the world was “designed” to only let you play through it once. If you make it to the end and attempt to start the game up again, it prevents you from doing so, but there is a method to circumvent this and replay the game,…
What a cop-out.
You brilliant bastard. Thank you.
You seem to be thinking of tactics or sequences in general. Here, the dribbling is part of one continuous combo (that is, the player being hit cannot do anything). A lot of the more open and free-flowing fighting games also have combos that last a long time or actually forever until the round ends/you die. This is…
Good to know there’s one guy out there who took THAT away from the article. It’s ok to be happy for someone and just leave it alone.
His political views don’t matter to me just his content does. So I’m still going to watch him anyway. I separate the person from the performer and this goes for anyone not just him.
I hate that the Normal Boots guys are getting thrown into this. They are completely separate from Jon, and some of them are talking on Twitter about how they’re suffering from this terrible coverage secondhand to Jon.
Dare I dream of a new CEO who invests in an original IP, or an engine that runs well on at least one platform?
It seems odd to have that at the end of a game that does such a good job of giving you a sense of reward for exploring, poking, and experimenting.
Are you assuming his race and gender?
That’s such a lazy joke, if we can even call it that. I’m in camp If You’re Gonna Be Offensive, At Least Make A Joke That Isn’t Also More Than 100 Years Old. My camp also needs a better name.
wow people get butthurt so easy,fucking relax world.
AI in general is the biggest, most obvious shortcoming with Skyrim. I’ve often felt it was such a shame that such a huge and beautiful world always feels so empty and lifeless thanks to the limits of programming for creating realistic characters.
Not just Tingel, but Ankle, Knuckle, and David references on the other islands (those are his brothers). There are a ton of Link’s Awakening references too - Tal Tal Peak (Tal Tal Heights in LA), Ukuku Plains (Ukuku Prairie in LA), and Ulria Grotto (Ulrira was the guy on the phone) for starters.
I know this is just a $10 game, but I wish there was a physical release of this. I’d happy pay more to have this on a physical cart.
I mean it was the 3rd best selling launch game. That’s not nothing.
Or, instead of jumping to that extreme, just make some good, obvious, widely used design choices...some they already use and ignored for this.