Telling you what the video is about would ruin the joke. Sheesh.
Telling you what the video is about would ruin the joke. Sheesh.
I love Mega64 so much, especially when they are able to collab with video game legends.
Some will cry “clickbait”, but fuck em, joke preservation trumps all other considerations.
Thank you very much for not ruining the surprise in the article text. A+++.
It makes no since to keep some Mon region locked then. There is almost no way to get those in trade this way.
Fair enough. I’ll leave you with another trick he likes to use, just to fortify my argument that this guy is an evil douchebag.
This is great except for regionals. I doubt there’s that many people that legitimately collected them. People who cheat have no incentive to trade because they’ll already have what they want.
Again and again dude, and you just did it again.
Jon has every right to voice his opinions, just as Disney has the right to not give their platform out to hate speech.
There’s a difference with someone having... well, a let’s say “different” opinion in his own time, outside of the produced work, and, well, someone doing it during work.
All you do in every single fucking thread is tell people who you think should be fired because you believe you hold every morale truth.
Sterling from the youtube comments, when someone stated that he should have counter-sued at least for legal fees:
All of this “reasonable opinion” stuff down this comment thread is well and good. But that’s not how you started this post. You can’t write about someone being “ass-mad” and decrying something he said, when you don’t actually know what they said, and then say “lol whatever I don’t care enough to see it” when people…
You can’t “paraphrase” something you literally know nothing about, you dunce.
Good for Jim, and that’s 38 minutes of holy shit “I wish I was joking, but this fucking guy” level of what the hell.
You can skip ahead to the present day stuff, but it’s pretty good all throughout honestly.
He’s a guy that said you can’t pick and choose which parts of copyright law that should apply to you. He jokingly said that people should pirate Nintendo games to make the point that Nintendo shouldn’t ignore fair use.
Thank God for the Cornflake Homunculus.