“The integrity of the ROM is good,” TheRealPhoenix said. “There are real alterations but [they are] harmless.”
“The integrity of the ROM is good,” TheRealPhoenix said. “There are real alterations but [they are] harmless.”
Without content creators, youtube is nothing. So yeah, it is the peoples platform. Any one of us can post a video and garner a following, without the “suits” getting involved. Youtube was started with YOU in mind. Meaning its the PEOPLES platform for whatever creative or dumb ideas they have.
It might actually get an influx of players just because it’s free.
So by special person, you mean a coder? Because all these people seem to be doing is to see how fast they can get a trigger to execute.
Ding ding. Looks like our initial shot of out the “I’m offended” cannon has deflected right off of the “Research and Logic” shield.
Not quite. Other users do not see the words you type when the profanity filter catches them.
I had to re-read the article to realise that this was meant to be a “positive”. Looks like her spine is snapping in some of the quick turns. Wouldn’t be bringing attention to it as a good thing myself.
It’s impressive for what it is, but I agree. Her torso seems like it’s acting entirely independently of her lower body.
I’d like to see someone from Kotaku contact them and offer to discuss the situation. Being able to critique their coverage (‘underground’ lol) would be a great opportunity to help educate people
Does anyone remember when Jack Thompson did something along the same lines...?
Nice thats what Im doing with Robin, Already beat every mission on every difficulty but playing in pvp Takumi can still wreck my team :/
The fact that they are still missing two large aspects of Pokemon games (trading and battling friends) says a lot.
a: Not all men is not a derailment when it is a response to yes all men. What you presented was a blanket statement that all men are bothered by menstruation more so than rape so I refuted it. b: You being ignorant or wrong about the original tweet doesn’t change things much. What kind of man is bothered more so by…
When social media exploded calling him a racist, etc over a podcast so I had to watch it. It was a Sargon of Akkad video, which has a lot of guilt of association. If I remember correctly he came out as a Anti-SJW stating that he had watched Sargon for a long time. That is where I think most of the hate aimed at him…
Did you miss the part about how he’s done several anti-Semitic things in videos and recently deleted 3 of them? An off the cuff joke is a little remark thought of extemporaneously. Hiring people to hold up a sign is not off the cuff.
No, I doubt he’s antisemitic. Yes, I’m sure it was a joke. It was still a fucking terrible, and more importantly, lazy joke. And that’s the problem.
And Jim Sterling did cry tears of joy on this day.
You should apply to Kotaku so they can have your pro-Nazi alternative facts represented.
I love how Bartel in that memo takes zero responsibility for the corporate practices contributing to the “disappointing” behaviors you described.