Watch Jim Sterling’s video on what all Square Enix tried to screw around with during Mankind Divided’s development. They, as a publisher, are lucky so many good games come out under their label.
After Square heavily influenced Mankind Divided’s failure with a castrated “part one of many” main story, pointless micro transactions, the needless Breach mode, and the really terrible concept of one time usage items that are permanently consumed regardless of this being a single player game - They are surprised that…
It amuses me greatly the amount of shovelware developers who get aggressive towards Jim Sterling negatively covering their shit games. At the end of the day, he is actually giving them money so they really, REALLY shouldn’t be complaining about him.
How can you create art or entertainment without putting a bit of yourself in it?
It’s pretty common for some people to ask for less politics in games. Turns out, that’s not really possible, even if…
Even worse watching Nintendo fanboys talk about how original the game is and that Nintendo did it again. When it’s just what Rayman Fiesta Run and Run Sackboy Run, did years ago, but slap Mario on it and it’s new and creative. Fuck that!
Oh boy! I can’t wait to spend $10 on a SUPER SHORT Mario runner where I play the same few levels over and over so I can buy ingame items that do nothing like a mushroom house or a coinblock! WOWEEE!!! Whats that? I can also play as Toad?!? I’m gonna give them $100 for it all! MIND BLOWN!!!
Was that to much sarcasm?…
It’s a tablet powered by a Nvidia tablet-specific GPU. This isn’t running Candy Crush, and an iPad or Galaxy tablet sure as hell wouldn’t run Zelda at 900p. What did you realistically expect? This thing is an absolute beast in comparison to the 3DS and Vita
After stepping away from game development, Hidetaka Suehiro (aka Swery) of Deadly Premonition and D4 fame is back. He has set up a new, small studio called White Owls.
It wouldn’t bother me NEARLY as much if his reputation for getting things right wasn’t SO good that tons of people blindly trust him, and just accept his theories as true/supported.
If he was just a random nobody declaring crazy theories into the void of the internet, who cares?
But he’s not. He has an audience. A BIG…
Nintendo and has solidified my theory that they are a company full of brilliant artists, designers and technicians that, at some point, got infiltrated by a mob of brain-damaged, glue-eating lemurs that somehow got entrusted with 50% of the company’s decision making.
I don’t care about fictional silliness that people don’t like in terms of Sans being Ness or not. Can’t prove that one way or the other.
He’d probably still call them “Sandpeople.”
Coruscant, now that’s a great planet. 5,000 levels. We’re gonna have even more levels, the best levels. And then we’re gonna build a wall, and the Tusken Raiders are gonna pay.
Trump: You know, Luke was a terrible Jedi. That’s true. He didn’t complete his training with Yoda and got his hand chopped off by his dad. Sad. I’d never get my hand chopped off, and that has nothing to do with the size of my hands. My hands are actually huge. They’re luxurious. They’re the best hands.
Well thank fucking god...I’m tired of seeing the Matrix code.