I fail to see how it’s meaningfully different than what you see in traditional media outlets. Of course, your opinion may be that all video game coverage is garbage, Kotaku included, but we’ll just have to disagree there. Just because YouTube is full of low-quality stuff doesn’t mean there aren’t people doing really…
It's so... Poi-gnant.
Poi-fect response.
Speak for yourself, I ran a Dreamcast Fansite, and nearly wept when Sega said it was abandoning making consoles and was going multi-platform.
Edit: The site was DreamcastCentral.com for anyone with a really good memory of those times, or who was curious.
As someone who's not-so-quietly championed The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask for years, I'm happy the game's been…
Dude's been cranking them out like crazy. It's even more impressive considering he's the only developer. He's like a throwback to the old-school "basement coders".
Partick, when you use the term "seriously" we assume that you literally mean "seriously." Therefore, are you implying that it literally behooves Nintendo to turn their historically profitable family-friendly line of mascots into a mob of bloody, flesh-eating infected?
Your whole position just makes no sense. You say these runs don't count, but count to whom? They aren't comparing these times with non-glitch runs. There are a lot of different categories and types of speed runs. You asked why people like these and several answered. No one says you have to like these so I'm not…
The point
And what I'm saying is that I'm thinking it's going to be a big empty map full of nothing, and the exploration you're craving will only reveal the seams and redundancies in their planet-generation algorithm.
How did anyone even manage to stumble on this good ending anyway? I mean, what are chances of anyone doing those precise steps during a playthrough for accident and, worst yet, how would they realize that this is what they did to trigger the good ending?
When Archaotic thinks you're being excessively negative, you done goofed.
Hey, man. Don't be a negative norman. Some of us like these games and the story threads behind it.
Read a bit about the current culture in Japan and why their birth rate is now hitting an all-time low, and you'll see why this kind of thing can get so popular. Basically younger people are having to work so much just to support themselves that it has killed their desire to put forth the effort into pursuing romantic…
The irony is delicious.
setting flags ain't easy