Axl Surette

Well, she also calls herself "the most harassed woman on the internet" and believes that the recent SVU episode was about her and watching it causes her to "trigger." So I don't think her ignoring anything is an option.

I just treat women like other people and it seems to work pretty well.

This one's hard to beat.

As dumb as this is, as dumb as it was with "Scrolls," as dumb as it is when other companies do it "King and "Saga," anyone?), the core issue is a messed-up copyright system that basically requires companies to do stupid stuff like this or risk losing protections.

Underwhelming ?
Man Rayman has such potential as a fighter ! I can only see him being quite as unique as the other characters, so I consider him a really good option.

I'm kinda sad it's a fake actually

You sound like all those pricks I have to explain the Hyperdimension Neptunia series to.


Isn't this kind of self defeating?

Usopp's bicycle is missing "one piece"... sorry ¬¬

Yeah, I actually thought people would be up in arms over the suggested pantyshot.

Fuck, calling Discovery channel to have everyone fired.

Now playing

reminded me a bit of when rooster teeth did the episode of immersion around this

"YouTubers" don't have the right to create derivative content and post it online, let alone make money off of it. Nintendo is being very generous, as they don't have to allow the existence of the videos, let alone allow people to profit from Nintendo's work.

Reviews are different, as a review (which would use less of

Well, the Darkness is suppose to be the enemy of the Traveler.

Is it a thing called love?

I think a big part of the fan base is in it for the creepy story that we have to figure out ourselves (or wait for Game Theory to do it). As long as the dev keeps that mysteriously creepy with loads of hints, I think it'll stay strong.

They're listening.

Eh, everyone on my friends list already knows I date pigeons, I don't think I can surprise them beyond that.

Not everyone is uptight about sex?

I'd totally play Muv-Luv Alternative on Steam*.