Axl Surette

You make a good point, though I feel it’s worth pointing out that they’ll still be playing as Tracer, just without this pose available to them. The character’s physique isn’t changing; all that’s happening is a specific pose is being removed. They’ll still have to look at the character they’re using, and will

I feel like I can’t help but be directly on the fence with this one.

Tales from the Borderlands was fantastic, even given the somewhat janky engine Telltale keeps using. From experience, also not much in the way of slowdown compared to the Walking Dead episodes. I would certainly recommend trying it out, though I can definitely understand your reasons for not wanting to play through

The customization is fantastic. The missions are somewhat of another story. I haven’t completed all of them yet (was working on it late last night and decided to sleep instead of staying up until the sun came up), but there are only 4 story missions. The first two of those missions could last as little as 15 to 20

Must he? Absolutely not. Do some hardcore fans expect it? Definitely.

Well that’s a little... creepy. Leaving aside the age side of things, even the assumption that someone thinks they’d want to do that with their students is messed up. =/

To my knowledge, there’s... one character that’s 15 years old? Maybe two? Shiki and maybe Hibari, as I don’t recall how old she turns during the events of Shinovi Versus. Personally, to me, it’s just a number, so as long as no law is being broken, physique and age kind of just doesn’t bother me. I don’t really pay

As far as I know, every girl in the Senran games is at least 16, 17 years old. If you personally consider that too young, then cool! But the age of consent varies from place to place, and I believe most of Japan, as Jango pointed out, has lower age-gates than a good chunk of North America.

How did I miss this in my copy of Shinovi, then? Probably in the art book somewhere. *goes to check*

“Very” young depends on the players/viewers age. All of the girls are of-age (in accordance with Japanese law, at least; I don’t know if ages or information changes during localization for Senran Kagura games for a Western release to appease any North American age limits), so the only issue arising from age being a

Senran Kagura is honestly nothing compared to some other games/franchises/series. Have you heard of Kodomo no Jikan? It’s literally about a grade schooler (like, first- to third-year kinda grade) who has the hots for her teacher and tries to get with him. That’s legitimately the premise. Granted, like Senran Kagura,

Holy shit, is that real? Is that in the box for Estival Versus? I can’t wait to get my copy. XD

Is it really? Isn’t it a single-player-only game? Not sure I can think of why online-only would be necessary or beneficial.

Well, the base story of each show is self-contained. Certain elements of the shows cross over, like the idea of these worldlines, and possible connections to different corporations causing different advancements in technology. The universe across these shows does a fantastic job of keeping to their own story, while

I think you’ve got it right. ;)

I’ve been getting Beta updates, but never once got an actual invitation to join the game. Kind of severely disappointed I’ll never get to play this. Though, more than anything, it makes me wonder what’s going to happen to Fable as a franchise... I’ve been waiting to see how the story might continue ever since the end

I found Criken just after he released his first Skyrim video. Had my subscription ever since.

Redhead is the new Red Shirt. Q_Q

If the game is half as entertaining as I thought their choice of song for that trailer was, I’d totally be down for it. I basically just use my Vita to play these anime-esque titles anyways, so this would be right up my alley. Strange that I’ve never heard of it until right now, though. It was supposed to be out in

- I’d definitely agree it’s intentional that Chara is mostly unexplained; I just believe it’s a wasted opportunity to properly flesh out the game world. While it’s very clear that Toby wanted to create an experience that both has an interesting world and a unique message that gamers would relate to, I feel as though