Teh Ax

Actually at no point in the entirety of my post did I say I had it the worst. The point of the post was that there wasn’t enough time to dedicate to testing every disc that we take in trade by listing every task required and expected of GameStop employees per day.

Please point out any moment where I said my job was the hardest, you miscreant. You think your job is hard? How about those over in Iraq who dodge bullets every day?

Trying to compare your job to my previous isn’t disproving the difficulty of my old job, it’s just showing you’re a narcissistic, compassionless prick..

<3 you Mike

Lucky? You do realize what I said is a list of shit EXPECTED TO BE DONE, not shit that GOT DONE. We never had time for it all, and in fact our Store Manager had to work 80+ hour weeks to do the shit we non-salaried drones couldn’t get done because the upper management wanted their big bonuses for keeping hours low.

I was under the silly impression that hard work payed off. Long story short, I don’t work for GameStop anymore.

That’s a cute story that means nothing nor is provable. Considering the corporate environment in GameStop you either sucked up a lot, or you’re lying. I’ve watched people bust their ass for over a decade and never be given a store. I’ve watched people bust their ass and lose out on a promotion to someone from outside

Oh, no I was responding to Soda Jerk’s ignorant attitude towards GS employees, not your post. I don’t see any connection between what you wrote and anti-GameStop writing. Not even sure why people are bringing that up.

Hey, fuckass. I worked at GameStop. You want to know what us “wage slaves” did for our minimum wage?

And the lyrical changes to the Aria. That was just awful. But the tinny musical score on the GBA was unforgivable.

Cleaner? They look like someone bought some crappy RPG Maker assets. These are horrible remodels of classic characters that look too bright and have none of the charm of the originals. If you want to point out any “journalism bias” here, don’t use a shitty example. Maybe the edges are smoother and the colours blended,

What is badly, sorely, immensely needed is a system by which we can rotate items (not workshop stuff) and place them correctly on objects. That and a fix for the bug that lets items fall through everything.

“HotS is a Smash Bros. styled...”

Except there is no “Earthbound Series”. There’s a Mother series, but we only have 1 “Earthbound”. If they translated and released the other Mother games here with Earthbound titling then it’d be one thing. If you’re gonna be pedantic, GO ALL THE WAY!

You should mention in the article that the bug turned all the players “friendly” so they could not attack each other.

This comment goes to everyone else on the site saying it’s “excessive”. This is a breach of paid contract. There is no room for leaks when it comes to this kinda thing and frankly being banned is just paltry in comparison to how badly they -should- be punished.

Except this is directly tied to a private agreement that important and sensitive material will not be leaked. This is a huge breach of both confidence and private information. The punishment fits the crime. People really do not understand how important an NDA is, and how when you’re being PAID to test a product you

Sadly shitposters seem to have completely crapped all over it. Hoping the better posts come back.

1: You don’t need a degree to know that “exaggerate” is not spelled “exagurate”, and most phones come equipped with spell-checking software built in. Either you’re stupid, or lazy, or have a shit phone. The only one that exonerates you is the third option and even then, come on.
2: I’m mad? Really? And here I thought I

Unacceptable and low class. I hope the person(s) responsible for this are put in jail. Say what you want of GG (I totally will) but threatening them with similar tactics to their own members does not make you better and it sure as fuck doesn’t help anyone.

I don’t debate with people who can’t spell “exaggerate”, even when their spellchecker points it out to them.