Teh Ax

I dunno. Instead of making bad decisions and occasionally winking, they could have made a better game?

Since according to these lawyers, words seem to confuse people, all future games will just be a unique number starting with the next released game.

Yours (and the comments below) are spoken by people who have absolutely no concept of what mental illness is. I suffer from severe anxiety. Everything my conscious mind tells me is that there’s no reason for it, I should ignore it, it’ll pass, I shouldn’t let it control me. Yet, when it happens, it’s absolutely

This thread made me angry, then really sad. If what happened to the OP actually happened, this is a display of very clear repressed anger and hurt from what he grew up with. While his comments may not be sensitive to the situation, or based in reality, they are coming from his world and his experience. That does not

The thing that’s hard for alot of people to understand is what severe depression does to a person’s mind. It’s not simply feeling depressed as in sad, it’s like a virus that takes over your entire way of thinking and you could be the most well loved and respected successful person in the world and your own brain

Your “only assholes commit suicide” stance is not exactly contributing to a positive, supportive dialogue on mental illness. Try thinking before you slag people who are already suffering to the point of wanting to leave this world. Think of all the soldiers who have felt so tortured and unfit for civilian life that

No, the children want their father (I assume). They do not need him. Children regularly grow up without one of their parents, or even without both of them. They may not be as emotionally well-rounded as someone who grew up with their birth parents in a good environment (as uncommon as that can be)... but so what?

Journey? No, but that’s not because it’s indie. That’s because it’s only a couple hours long.

Well... at my store, I was always busting my ass, and my coworkers were lazy, but I couldn’t fire them. So what can you do? “Lazy retail zombies” are everywhere. If it’s such a problem to you, do your shopping online. I hear that Amazon literally works employees to death.

Did you miss the part about how employees are required to drop everything they are doing when a customer walks in the store? Or do we need to have a conversation about your reading comprehension skills? Besides, not everyone has all of these responsibilities. If you’re an SGA or an ASM, you have to do this stuff, but

Actually at no point did the OP say that this was the worst job in the world, or even a bad job. He/she simply offered an explanation as to why some games might not be tested before customers got them, and that entailed detailing the responsibilities that everyone thinks don’t exist for GameStop employees. So... grow

Maybe you missed the part about how you’re supposed to test ALL games, including the ones shipped to you from the warehouse, instead of relying on other stores to have actually tested the games when they came in? (Please re-read that now, dripping with sarcasm.)

Editing my comment so I don’t look more like an idiot. HI!

“they’d be going after Metacritic and exclusive AAA game reveals and pre-order shilling and all the other noxious bullshit you can find in gaming just about every day.”

If GamerGate was actually about ethics in journalism, they’d be going after the game PUBLISHERS and their PR departments. For taking anti-consumer actions like only releasing review materials to friendly outlets, or using overly restrictive review embargoes to squeeze more sales out of obviously bad games. What the

Complains about farming then goes on to mention how they farm in a "legit" manner. Brilliant.

Today I finally relapsed on Destiny, got my 25th Mote of Light, spent it at Xur on the Exotic Engram and got a fucking badass exotic helmet for a Titan. I'm a Hunter. Bungie really just needs to make engrams class specific not this random class bullshit. I'm a Hunter with WAYYY better armor in the vault for Warlock

no i played it. i played it to the level cap and then some, along with some of the competitive multiplayer (crucible right?) it seemed very generic. I'll admit the graphics are pretty, and the dancing is pretty hilarious especially in the right context. However, the main core game mechanics of shooting vs enemy AI

Huh. Well, that doesn't really mean anything, but at least they're trying to do... something. Eventually.

You want Twitch to identify, and purchase the licensing right for EVERY single piece of music used by ANY of their users in their streams, for them?