Teh Ax

Or, here’s a novel thought: I’ve ignored “media” portrayals and read all sides of the matter before making my decision. I know, that’s so crazy!

Lerl. You assume I only go by what Kotaku claims, not what every investigation into this “matter” turned up: bupkis. There literally was nothing to prove that their relationship benefitted either of them profesionally. None. See, you operate on only statements from GGers, and no one else. You’ll believe anything GGers

done* and naive means easily fooled or gullible. That would apply to me if I only read KiA posts, or only Polygon posts (100% opposite of KiA), but seeing as I’ve read both sides your accusation is 100% bullshit. Toddle off now, you narrow-minded gimp. <3

Wow, uh no. They fucked. The matter of them fucking is not up to question. What is, is whether or not it impacted their professional lives. Which it didn’t. But don’t tell that to GGers. They care so much about people’s private lives that they don’t want to hear facts about things that might disprove their insane

This. GG is literally built on the foundation of an angry male who felt entitled to a female’s body, presence, and relationship. Ethics.

I’ve read pretty much every possible available article from every possible available source and found that nothing between Grayson and Quinn was unethical or impacted either of their careers of benefit from their relationship.

Oh, right, you mean that writer who briefly dated a developer he once interviewed before they dated and then never wrote about her during their relationship? Nice job discrediting your own argument.

The majority of people associated with GG abuse, harass, bully, threaten, and do damage to people’s lives and livelihoods. As I said elsewhere there are good people within the GG “movement”, but they are vastly overshadowed by people like Milo and Roguestar who’s only goal is to eradicate female involvement in the

The second you listed John Bain as a source of ethics is the moment you discredited yourself. That guy is a bundle of unethical nonsense wrapped in an ego blanket so large he makes Phil Fish look humble.

In all fairness, there ARE GGers who are in for promotion of transparency, anti-unethical and destructive journalistic practises (see: Just about anything IGN does anymore). Sadly they are aligned under a banner of MRAs and abusive bullies and feel there’s no other place to be heard. And they are right.

You’re right! Because it’s not “transparency” if someone calls out a hate group on being a hate group disguising themselves as an “ethical movement”. -pats you on the head-

Wait, what? Where in my post did I say anything about hating Level-5’s mobile aspirations? I’m leery, personally, because the mobile market is subject to easy cash-grabs (Dungeon Keeper Mobile, All The Bravest) and it’d be a damn shame to see Level-5 become that kind of company. But there are also plenty of decent

Level-5 has done more than just White Knight and Ni No Kuni. Dark Cloud. We could have a new Dark Cloud instead of meh.

Brool story co. So do many people who also watch gaming content on YouTube. Your point?

So basically you think all gaming YouTube channels are PewDiePie. Wow, you’re stupid. Retsupurae, PsychadelicEyeball, SeaNanners, ASpySA, ChipCheezum; just a small handful of tons of gaming channels that do the opposite of PDP. Get off the bandwagon and actually watch something of value.

I laughed when you condescendingly put down gaming YouTubers, collectively asserting nothing any of them do is creative. Thank god for people like you who have a firm grasp of every YouTuber ever and what is and is not “creative”.

Way to misunderstand what reviewers do and completely miss the point. -slow clap-

Eh. It was done already in the Splatterhouse remake.

Awwh, it's so cute when Blender newbs learn new terms and throw them out to sound like they know what they're talking about.

Hey, fuckass. Devs are also not beholden to guttersnipe talk and attempts to stifle critical discussion. One does not have to be a dev to deliver accurate and legitimate critical analysis. Just because you disagree with her doesn't make her wrong, it doesn't make you right. So don't be a snotty shit and actually try