...The heck? Spoilers? You can't be serious.
So Scott Pilgrim's creator grew up designing Mario levels for fun, and Mario's creator grew up drawing comics for fun?
Yeah, that part was fantastic. How did he even think of that?
"Merchenaries" actually sounds like a sort of awesome job description.
Huh, good point. I've got a lot of various speakers and subs, so I'll have to check if any can actually get that low.
Y'know, it's a little surprising, but hardly blows-your-mind shocking. Assuming all they found was a water bottle and some Sudafed pills, that's not really so much a "meth lab" as it is "some junkie who happens to know how to make meth accidentally left his portable shake and bake bottle in a restroom."
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He's got a speaker vibrating the water tube at a specific frequency that matches up with the framerate of the video camera. The water is actually moving, but the camera framerate makes it appear to be hovering in midair because every time it snaps a new frame, the water droplets happen to be in the same place as the…
How about horse-drawn horse-drawn carriages?
As far as I'm aware, Fusco still thinks Carter's trying to find and capture him. He just kinda gave up warning Reese about her because he kept saying "Don't worry about Carter, I'll handle that. Worry about [episode plot] instead."
Okay, wow, thanks for showing me IMFDB. This site is amazing.
From the article:
It's not exactly as you described, but see my comment above.
The MOST satisfying? You sure about that?
I had actually fallen exactly two episodes behind and was procrastinating catching up, before I read the first paragraph in this article. Just finished watching the last couple episodes, and dang, you weren't kidding. I'm definitely going to have to keep up with Awake going forward. Thanks for bringing it to my…
Well, an area with no people in it would probably be a better place than dense apartments.
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I'm pretty sure it's driving me crazy, too... Seriously, I'm going out of my mind.