“… make fucking sure your Democratic friends get off their ass and vote in 2018.”
There I fixed that typo for you.
“… make fucking sure your Democratic friends get off their ass and vote in 2018.”
There I fixed that typo for you.
Kids are the worst. They’re basically like cats that you can’t pet and don’t make for nearly as good YouTube vids....
To put it more compactly: if you change Obamacare’s name to Trumpcare but leave the rest of the program exactly the same, Trump’s poorly informed, cult of personality supporters will immediately reverse course and declare it the best thing ever.
Good god when did the country get so stupid?
The film universe. Any universe where you are one part of a large machine. I’m a caterer and you work until the work is done, otherwise you aren’t asked back.
The author said that it was when the other crew had to put in the hours. There is no problem on being home at 6 unless you force the crew to accommodate you to do so.
Maybe angry wife was jumping over seats and bar carts to elude capture by the plane’s flight crew?
Is in me or do Toback and Weinstein both look like they were assembled from a bargain-outlet Mr Potato Head kit?
It takes a lot for me to log into any site these days but...
YOU. YOU are a big reason we don’t come forward. Because in every courtroom, be it a real one or the one of public opinion, there’s always a hoard of you souless sons of bitches sitting with arms folded, smugly passing judgement and watching our lives be…
If something ever happens to you I hope you never have to run into someone who’s being as callous as you are now, I hope people will show you kindness and understanding, I hope people will be good to you, so you can remember ths exact moment in which you decided to be the opposite of that.
A couple of additional things:
Yeah, I’m also 50, and that is a take made of bullshit.
Dude, I don’t enjoy your purposefully-mussed and gelled hair, I don’t enjoy your edgy biker jacket, and I don’t enjoy your old-guy-with-a-young-shtick shtick. I most certainly, then, will not enjoy your dick.
I’ll chip in; make it $10,000,020.
No, the rest of the olds on kinja probably sympathize with you.
Am I the only one who blinks a bit at seeing the victim described as an “old man”? I mean, he looks to be about my age and that’s totally not old!
I’m so sorry.
I wonder if he’ll eventually be diagnosed with CTE.
The city’s permanent residents should really adjust to the needs of the casual, pants-pissing visitor.
Another example of church people being good Christians, bless their hateful little shriveled up hearts.