
Some more useful information - turn your chef's knife blade-up when you scrape things from a cutting board into a dish or pan. You'll be able to go a lot longer in between knife sharpenings that way; the guys on TV have somebody else sharpen their knives for them, so they don't really have an incentive to do it any

You can usually do something similar if you shoot in RAW by using HDR software like Photomatix (Convert to pseudo-HDR and then tone map), the Shadows & Highlights in Photoshop, etc.

FWIW, bzip2 is actually roughly the same speed as gzip when decompressing files (the few times I've compared it, at least), so as long as you aren't in a rush to compress them (but you might be when you decompress them), it works great. nohup bzip2 filename &

"painful" should be added to that list.

This technique has been around for a while now (since ~600 BC) -

My psych 101 prof talked about waking up at the ideal time based on what part of a sleep cycle you were in. He was apparently talking to small start-up company about the idea at the time... this was in 1996. I couldn't tell you what company it was (he didn't want lecture to become a commercial, and I didn't bother

This isn't a new problem - a lot of passwords are (or at least were) saved the same way on other sites; the first 8 characters is the only part that ever really was your password (the rest got discarded when you made that password).

@chefgon: You may have to escape them with \ if you're using Google Code Search (which allows regex).

@Whitson Gordon: Indeed. Although it did foster additional learning... (also, the double 'greater-than' symbol right before .bashrc disappeared when I posted it, but you probably knew it was supposed to be there. =D

@Avedis: actually it was pico=vi, but that was before the days of nano....

@Whitson Gordon: Learn it! It's totally worth it. Then you can start using regex to modify your files while you're editing them without having to resort to exiting and then using sed/awk/perl. [staff.washington.edu]

To make your function more awesome, use '&&' instead of ';', that way you don't have to see the directory listing of the directory you're already in if you typo the directory name. You could even do something like:

@yiff: Exactly what I thought when I saw the article title.

@Nitesh: 100% higher = double your current risk.

@PrairieMoon: I got iTunes to play FLAC for me on my Mac, it just took a little script I found somewhere via Google. I followed (a couple of years ago) directions similar to the ones here: [www.macworld.com]

@curtis07: iTunes got rid of DRM (at least on their audio files) sometime in the last year and a half or so.

@timgray: Cowon PMPs play FLAC.