Sage advice re: avoiding pet hair. Ewwww.
Sage advice re: avoiding pet hair. Ewwww.
Are you sure you're not just an INTP? ;-)
I'm going to have to research the claims in this article before I can take them as accurate....
sudo dmidecode —type 17|egrep -i 'size|form factor|bank locator|speed'
It's so much easier (and more secure) to just use gpg... I guess that is assuming that you have a computer near you.
I get mine refilled at Costco for pennies on the dollar compared to buying new cartridges. High-capacity cartridges + refills = save lots and lots of $$$.
Re: dough/batter — it depends on what you're baking. For some things, you want lots and lots of gluten (NY-style pizza dough), but for others, you really don't want an extra gluten (e.g. pie crust).
Yes. Also, resting your hand on your shifter is a bad idea - it'll help wear out your shifter bushings faster.
That works great, unless you're snowboarding or waiting for a bus...
The US is roughly the same size as all of Europe in km^2. Saying "In the US, people are like this" is like saying that "I know people from Spain are like X because I visited Latvia once... they're both in the EU."
I have had a lot of luck with this approach:
If I'm on surface streets in a neck of the woods that I know, I take corners at near the limit of my car's handling... which is usually plenty to leave whomever was behind me far, far behind. Especially if they are in a truck/SUV.
I wish somebody would make just one that automatically adds/updates/removes useful security-minded plugins as they became useful/obsolete/etc. They could call it TinFoilHat or GetOffMyLawn....
FWIW, LibreOffice is the new OpenOffice: []
Don't forget HTTPS Everywhere for Firefox: []
And if you still want to compartmentalize your services for some reason, use XAMPP instead. It's free, and there are Windows, Mac, and Linux versions available. []
What worked for me was attempting to levitate throughout the day for a couple of weeks, at times when I just thought it would be cool or useful. Of course that didn't work (during the day), but when I did it in a dream, I wasn't shocked awake like I normally would have been before that. It let me more calmly figure…
Heck, OS X is even certified as UNIX by the Open Group.