
(It's a joke.)

Before all of the insanity of the comment section saying how shitty this game was, I would like to say that I enjoyed this. It wasn't amazing in any aspect, but I had fun and that's what is important in a video game.

..Always was wondering how Phoenix dawn tasted... Short snacktaku review?

Say what you want about her opinions, but this is spot on:

The difference is that Mr. Fancypants was probably good for almost a solid decade. Now-a-days there's amazing new stuff coming out every 6-8 months. Tech becomes obsolete more now than ever.

I Can't Remember Anything

I hate having to use money cheats in this game but I hate wasting time more. I mean seriously, the GAMEPLAY is so idiotically designed in some respects, so repetitive and useless, and it takes FOREVER to amass a lot of wealth. Which is particularly stupid if you have aging on.

There's rumors going around about pc release 2015.

The game looks gorgeous. I just wish they had included the PC audience. :(

Remember, that above all else, you are alone in this game and in the universe. Enjoy the existential dilemma and embrace the solitary misery.

Oh give it a rest...

Now those arguments are sound. I won't give you a hard time for those. Granted, I'm always curious what people are doing with their phones where they'd need the expanded storage? Games or TV/movies, I would assume? I take a ton of photos and videos with my phone, and have yet to get anywhere near filling up the 64gig

That's the one thing that bothers me & why I won't go back to Apple, their expensive storage capacity increments, you can tell why they won't have removable storage. I picked up a 128GB Class 10 micro SD for $80 on sale. Here in Canada the iPhone 6+ is:
$859 16GB
$969 64GB
$1,079 128GB

You just posted. You care. I irritated your sensibilities. I am pleased.

No. I was kidding. But you anti-Apple weirdos take your trade FAR too seriously, so it's no wonder the bad joke would be taken badly.

People will complain about ANYTHING! Even getting something free.

What a crazy mirror world that a white people would in mass revolt against free U2 albums on their iPhones? What's the over on the year people begin hating Radiohead or The White Stripes?

Why not?

This article will be lost in a sea of i-stories