
with stunningly lifelike computer images.

A surrealist piece by your Penguin truly, for illustrative purposes.

They are trolling us.

So Facebook was only good when they didn't have ads and had absolutely no way of making money for the service they were providing? The autoplay videos do annoy me though.

Whether it's just you or not doesn't make you or your bitching any more relevant, thankfully.

Last time I checked, they weren't fracking out West, just in the Northeast where currently there is no shortage of water. I know, because I live in central PA. I also work for the State Forestry Department and I do know roughly the exact amount of water used to frack a well (you are correct, it's a lot of water) but

Why are you mad about this? As long as the rich play by all the same rules - They are paying their fines, or staying under the water restrictions. If they want to spend more money trucking in water from somewhere that can spare it, that is perfectly fine with me.


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Skip all of the physics, skip all the practicality and economics, I only want one question answered - everyone knows that bird strikes are bad for airplanes. They cause extensive damage, can bring an airplane down in a hurry, and are some of the least dense animals on the planet. So, they're talking about making a

Old Man Blogger Yel

fixed that for ya, there.

That sounds amazing! Links?!

CGI, its been all done by CGI. The top secret rendering farm based entirely on analogue computers and cogs and gears of machanical computers. All of it was carefully hidden in a huge cavern behind Mount Rushmoore. There I said it, come and get me NSA or CIA because I'm not in USA.

If there's no airplanes where do the chemtrails come from?

Oh please. It was obviously puppetry.

I want to make the joke that "it was obviously all CGI," but I fear that not even being forever gray would protect me...

I guess I have been living vacuum-sealed under a rock on the ocean floor, because I have not heard of either. And I'm a concert going music lover, amateur musician, and own a few hundred bought records.

Congratulations on your comment approval.

The character is one of the most famous gun-hater to a point he bother to use things like Batarang just to get the round-about way of long range fighting.