
God damn it, we should have known. Kilos was one of the few entertaining things on Gizmodo anymore, of course you had to ban him. What, was he taking up so much bandwidth that you "journalists" couldn't get your pinned Buzzfeed tabs to refresh quickly enough? Was he making you so angry you couldn't proofread?

google: hola unblocker

I'm confus

Hi Kerry, this was fun but I'm banning you now. You're welcome to continue your saga on your own personal Kinja.

the night provided cover for us, as we backpacked through thick jungle. the wet air, hot and heavy with a musty pungency flooded our lungs. we huffed and wheezed with exhaustion behind our guide - chopping away a path ahead of us with a black machete. i was in the middle of the pack, largely unburdened- not counting

So 33 lbs of gold is roughly $630,000.

Art is a diverse range of human activities and the products of those activities. You need to understand how art is defined. There is an art form to everything. I am a designer/image maker. I have and know friends who have spent 120+ hours on a digital painting. We spend days conceptualizing, we stage photo shoots, we

more to get ridding unnecessary burden to the game engine.

You didn't know? That's just one of the nanosuit's many abilities to turn you into a ferret.

This style of painting has been around since the 1800s. Just because you've never heard of it doesn't make it new.

If you have any interest in Art history or technical aspects of oil painting, I would suggest the newly-released documentary "Tim's Vermeer." An exploration of the possible historical techniques used by old masters to create photo realistic paintings prior to the advent of photography. By no means definitive, but it

Actually I think the piece does none of those things, just the opposite.

You mean if it actually had choices like a VN should?

Never forget that these men and women do a job so that you don't have to worry that your teenager will get kidnapped and murdered walking home from school.

Except that most of it doesn't? Do you even read, brah?

Probably just left it open and quit reading. Minimized it.

Dear Kinja,

the main challenge to Operational Maneuver From The Sea and Ship To Objective Maneuver is making Seabasing a reality. Ship to shore connectors are key parts of making it happen because aside from all the flashy toys it's LOGISTICS that wins wars. This is another tool that while slower has potential advantages over

It doesnt rely on speed, it relies on Navy cruise missiles destroying the targets on the beach allowing the Jarheads to land heavy equipment and vehicles. I also think this would be good for the Seabee's construction equipment rapid deployment in a forward area. Then they can get an airfield built to get everything in