
Yup. We’re living in progressive times, It’s time we learn that their shallow logic is best logic.

This logic isn’t socially advanced enough for Gawker. Sorry.

If you want your business to succeed, PC is the way to be!

Hey, cut them some slack. After all, this was most likely typed via a cellphone at a bar.


There is such a thing as good HDR.

This isn’t it.

I remember the movie too! was both really long and fascinating.

Does no one else here understand that I’m saying gravity would happily let anything we sent to space return?

Heh. You got my joke.

I agree with all that you said, except for the last. Mining and manufacture in space is where it’s at. Energy is free there, solar panels get all the energy from the sun without the rays needing to pass through the atmosphere. Dropping products back into earth is free.

And then they could have TV babies! It would be so cute, a family of TVs.

Remember: solo whisky. Not good.

If done correctly, those things aren't an issue. Also, there's a safely valve. It'll blow before the bottle. Hopefully.

Now playing

Re: bootleg CO2. This guy has a great you tube cooking channel. He describes how to refill bottles yourself with dryice.

I filled a sodastream bottle halfway with flat beer. (Ok, no beer, but that Steelreserve candy beer) It wasn't easy to do, it was crazy fizzy. But I slowly released the air until it was done being crazy.

You CAN carbonate whatever you want. In small quantities.

Gizmodo, you're dumb. What if someone owns three devices — two with wireless charging and one without. It would be useful to them, right?



I'm all for diy. However, I would like to see the price of the ice climbing tool compared to the price of the equipment he used to make the carbon fiber version.