
I really want one, but I'll tide myself over with my M8 until roms are ready for the M9.

Open carry is legal in many states.

If Gawker hates him, I like him.

future proofing! Sweet!

Sony could convince me to buy one by releasing an SD card conversion kit.

Sony could convince me to buy one by releasing an SD card conversion kit.

I really like the M8, but does the M9 have an SD card slot? I can't live without that.

Do you have the Halo REACH journal? It was included with the premium. It's one of the best books I've seen created as if it was her journal. There are notes on napkins, there are security cards, hand written note... Torn out pages even! I was thoroughly impressed with it.

Whoops! Sorry about that. I also remember their books better than their names!

At least clean up your titles! I don't mind reading the shit you put in the article (did you see what I did there?) but it's a pain having it yell at me in the title. We already know you guys are twelve year old in your parents house writing this stuff, we don't need to be reminded of it.

If I like the book I'll read the book regardless of their sex or skin color. Miranda July, John Ringo, Murikami, Orson Scott Card. If I don't like the book/authors writings (did you know there are two Murikamis*?) I won't read it.

Like like like like! I was in the MoMA today. Can't touch a thing! That would be great with many portraits. They'd have trouble with a Rothko, I think. Those might be better with a few paragraphs by a really really really insanely good author.

This is the first Diaz article I've truly liked. Good job, Jesus.

You didn't read what he wrote, now did you?

Chuck Todd asked Graham, "Do you have a private e-mail address?"

He's saying he's never personally sent one. His staffers send emails for him. Which isn't a bad thing.

So? This doesn't matter. Does he understand the issues? Can he make rational decisions? We had Hillary who was able to send emails in an unethical manner. If he's sending emails in an ethical manner via intermediaries, I'm sure he's able to comprehend and dictate what he replied are better than someone who has 'sent

It's the lurking, if you're always lurking you won't get it.

This article is refreshing. Much less BS.

Your Facebook wasn't hacked. They stole your password.

Specs, features? Does it take SD cards? USB 3? 2?