
The hardware is beautiful, it just costs too much and lacks the features I want. I'd willingly pay the Apple Tax if there were a miniSD card slot.

The lack of removable battery and removable storage, living in a walled garden, and paying the Apple Tax didn't prompt you to leave apple — But a free album would? iDevice fans are odd.

That's an excellent series! I'm quite in love with it.

For this movie, it's your loss. I'd suggest getting it on sale used via Amazon.

Oh, no! Sick isn't fun! Should we get Batman some medicine?

I want one of these with Windows 8.

Don't judge me!

AA batteries are quite expensive compared to the many uses that can be had from battery packs. Four of these batteries cost around 4 to 9 bucks: that's an expensive single charge.

Nice. I'm rather fond of the juxtapositions. They also have a bit of a Homeworld flavor to them.

I almost posted that comic, or the other similarly themed xkcd comic.

It's not as awesome as the words used to describe it. At most: It's cute.

Wait, seriously, MSN? Is this 2004?

Read the link, these are clean energy plants.

Stupid cell phone typo. I'd want my gun to work at that point.

Hell no. That kill switch will go off the moment the other guy is about to kill you. I won't my gun to work at that point.

Or Jesus.

Read the post again. He said IF it has a better batter and IF it's better than the Pebble/Steel it could be worth it. IF's are different than what you're misreading.

If one person calls you a Hutt, laugh it off. If two people call you a Hutt, start to wonder. If three people call you a Hutt, buy a drool bucket and start hoarding spice.

Because Disney owns both Pixar and Star Wars, they're allowed to do this.

I have one of those cheap Windows Toshiba tablets for $200. What is a good drawing app for that? I'm specifically looking for something with a larger canvas.

Sure thing! I'll give you mine: 867-5309