
Clay is awesome because you're making something that can last millions of years – stone – assuming you don't drop it.

You're right about that. Now, they also need someone to enforce it.

Look, I'm not trying to be difficult. The Job of the NSA is to protect the interests of the United States of America abroad. Them and the CIA. I'm glad they're there. The world isn't a calm place.

I wanted a machine that you could throw old coke bottles and they'd be melted for the filament.

I didn't say anything about retaliation, now did I?

A. The world isn't covered by the Constitution.
B. The citizens and nations of the world are not covered by the Constitution.

Canned spam that has flavor now, eh?

You're replying to a really good new form of spam.

I am totally cool with it.

You just read this guy's comment, and that's the best comment you can come up with?

Therein lies the problem, doesn't it? How can EVERYTHING be art? Once everything is Art, nothing is Art.

Einstein regretted his small role - letter - in the whole matter.

Haha. Most everyone is complaining via their coal powered device.

It's just another tool. It isn't like they're throwing Bambi in it.

It looks gross.

Nothing is art, get over it.

yay!you did it so I don't have to!

Good eye. I had the same thought.

I read the book; I didn't cry.

If you want a rail system like Japan has, you need a war like Japan had.