
It's too bad that there isn't more internal storage, but the microSD is what makes me want this phone anyway. That's why I didn't get the first gen of this phone, and got a Sam Gal III instead.

I had the space shuttle with the bay doors that opened!

anyone know of a cool retro tower defense game for Android? I'm looking for one, but I haven't liked the ones on Amazon so far.

Ten seconds isn't steamed.

That, and, this place is ready now.

We have tons and tons of gold. We do not have tons and tons of physical light, which might have some very exciting implications.

Iuse flashblock and never see them.

That was the best of the series.

Man, I'm a backer. From way back when, got the cheapest level. The controls are annoying. Right click isn't used to roam around the world. The sphere... odd. Some of this, I know, I just learning new thing. New game, newfeatures . I look forward to the new stuff influenced from Supreme Commander. But... I don't know.

You're /growing stuff/! Having a bit of green in there is lovely I'd advise to use fish tank water. More nutrients for the plants.

If we were closer neighbors, there still wouldn't be a railway connecting.

Look, it's not like they need to get the home button to work, they don't need a touch screen. It just needs to look like a phone. Also, there are tiny guns that exist, things that will fit into your pocket without any bulge.

Another tip is to learn the different mount types. Some of these can be adapted to your camera system. For example, the older Pentax M42 lenses work great on Canons. I have a Super–Takumar 135mm, it's a great lens. It cost me around $35, and a comparable prime would have cost much more. (Of course, it would also have

Sweet! A reason to get the Chromecast!

MKV with subtitles? Formatted subtitles?

It's the journey!

I was reading your post and didn't reach the end. What was your point again? Eh, don't bother. I don't think I'd like it.

Hello old lady! Welcome to Gizmodo. I hope you enjoy your time here!

You're writing quite a bit there in your statement that the article could have been shorter.