
I was reading while at work! I wasn't able to get to the end quite yet.

Dang. You're a really good writer, Peter. Do you write any fiction? Or non fiction? Books? Because I'd like to read a book by you. You're reminding me me of John Ringo a bit.

I just got my tax return. After paying the bills, I have a bit left over.

You guys referenced an Ender's Game movie. I wasn't aware there was one. Did it happen recently? OSC did write more books/and is writing more books for the series, however. They've been excellent so far.

Another example of "modern" reporting is Gawker. *sicker*

no no no no no no no

This sounds so AWESOME. Kill It With Fire!

Can I point out to you that you are telling something on the internet that they are wrong? What does this matter to you so much? It isn't a think, man.

SOMEONE has taken all of this way to personally. I've installed and understand BTSync, I just don't care to use it. I was referring to the more complicated versions of it that are closer to Dropbox. Also, SOMEONE does not understand that there are many usage situations, and that not all of them are privacy minded. No


Don't blame him. Blame kinja.

Right. I'm going to set up a bunch of stuff a configure files where I need to read MAN pages.

So? I don't care about that. I care about being able to stream MP3s and view .JPGs.

It sounds nice, but really isn't needed by the folks who don't even fill the free 2GB dropbox.com thing. (Referral link? Damn straight!) Put it on your iPhone, put it on your 'Droid. Share the photos of your cat.

Damn Kninja.


Saturn is pregnant!

I've been thinking about that quote, "Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic." This is why I've been liking some Anime lately that approach magic as Science.